Page 20 of Tempted By Fire
“No, potentially two missing,” the radio control replies.
I realize Levi is still on the cell when his voice shouts in confusion. I place it to my ear not recognizing my own voice. “Get to the apartment, I think Rich has Blaire.”
My legs start to buckle. I use every bit of strength I have to hold myself up and run to the engines. “Blaire…”
“What?” Jake snaps, chasing after me. He reaches for my uniform and drags me to a stop. “What do you mean, Rich has her? That ex-boyfriend of hers? What’s he doing back on the scene? She came here after leaving the prick.”
“I can't explain now, but I need to get to her. I need to make sure she's alright,” I snap, gulping hard before I finish my sentence off. “This can wait, but I need her in my arms.”
“Twenty seconds until we leave,” Jake shouts, ignoring my words for now but the worry mixed with anger is visible for all to see. “Engine one, now.”
Jake, Avery, and I take up the front of the engine while Freddie and Paxton jump in the back. I hold my hat against my bouncing knee and wait for the briefing by Jake to start but it doesn't. The only sound that filters around the crew is the blaring siren, telling passing traffic to move out of the way.
“Jake?” Freddie questions with a stare as he buckles his helmet in place before he reaches for his gloves. “Are you going to give us the details?” I snap a look at him and wait when my voice falters and the engine comes to a stop.
“Plan, you want a plan. Stuff protocol, I just need to get in there now. I don’t give a shit about teams…” Jake screams and swings the door open to be greeted by Dylan who grabs his shoulders, trying to keep him calm but Jake shrugs out of his hold.
“Look guys, there isn’t a plan, except rescue my sister and get my hands on that motherfucker ex of hers if he has anything to do with this,” Jake demands, nodding at me.
“Jake,” Dylan shouts into the air, trying to calm him but we just push him out of the way while I bite back the wave of sickness forming. “This is reckless, what about your training?”
I put my gloved hand on Jake's chest while he fits his visor in place, and look up at the smoke that has started to escape from the window. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks or does at this moment; a blazing fire won’t stop me from getting to my girl.
“Training, are you serious?” I scream back, shaking my visor in one hand and an axe in the other. “Is that your world in there? Is that your heart that's breaking in your chest? No, it's not, so don't fucking talk to me about damn rules. If you want to do something, Dylan, then control the crowd and call the Armstrong Police Department. I don’t have a clue where the Chief is.”
“Okay,” Dylan says, admitting defeat when his shoulders drop back with a sigh. “Everyone move back now, clear the area.”
“Freddie, Avery, Paxton,” Jake shouts. He marches towards the door, avoiding the looks of concern and pats on the shoulder from Nate and Ricky. “You go for the window access, we're going in.”
“But…”Avery starts.
“Don't question me,” Jake snaps. “Ready?” He nods, putting his thumb up and letting me lead the way.
I trail through the shop and notice the smoke hasn’t affected the bakery and the staircase is intact. I let a sound of relief out. I reach the door at the top and bang the handle up and down like a mad man, knowing in my heart it should be secure, but with the chance of Rich there, I couldn’t be certain. I lift the axe up and indicate for Jake to step back. Every taunt muscle in his body is visible through his uniform. He assesses my every move when I hear my walkie-talkie alert me that the window is broken and that two bodies are unconscious.
I grab the axe and slam it into the door frame. The wood splinters and the smoke bellows out. I pull away the broken wood and the wood snaps around me as I slip through the small gap, assessing the dark cloud and flames that have started to lick the outer wall. I notice Freddie climb through the broken window with Avery behind him, holding the hose.
I indicate with my hand for Freddie to come help us move Rich. I can see Blaire trapped under his body. My teeth start to grind together but I force my mind into action. I want to wring his neck with my bare hands but that isn't me. Jake on the other hand will be a wild tiger once out of here; let loose and a struggle to tame. This is his flesh and blood, not just some jumped up prick having had one too many drinks with a gob on him. I’m glad he doesn’t know the full situation that Blaire went through to be honest. The number of fights I've had to save his ass from I've lost count of, but this time, would I stop him? I don't know.
Jake counts to three, before we slide Rich’s body off Blaire. I know I need to get her out of here so I don’t hesitate to grab Blaire before Jake does and throw her over my shoulder, my breathing rapid and heavy. I pin him with a stare which he matches, but I just storm past and race her outside so I can examine her.
The moment my feet hit the tarmac I get us away from the danger and Dylan greets us. I fling my hat and visor across the floor; the fresh air engulfs my lungs and I take heavy breaths.
“Ambulance, right side,” Dylan replies but I put her down, running my fingers along her neck and gulping hard as I try to find a pulse. I place my ear next to her mouth as I hope to feel some sort of breath but feel nothing.
I allow the tears to fall and the ambulance crew runs over to help while I hear Avery and Paxton announce Rich’s stats to an EMT. I lock my fingers together and find the space below her breastbone and start chest compressions.
“1 and 2 and 3 and 4…” I count.
“Come on, Blaire… I need you,” I shout, before my mouth locks fully around her lips, forming a seal and I blow deep in her mouth.
I hear Jake's screams and shouts at an EMT, but I drown them out. I can’t focus on anything else but her at the moment. If I do, then I will crumble.
“Baby, come on…” I start the next set of compressions, and she starts to splutter. Her eyes go wild and scared. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you. It’s okay.”
I roll her soot-covered body onto her side. I try to soothe her sobs and shaking body by my side.
“Aiden,” she whispers through the coughing. Her hands cling to my body while my heart struggles to settle from the panic.