Page 1 of The Lies of Gravity
Lies and secrets. They had a habit of destroying your world.
They could be like acid thrown over a masterpiece, burning through and destroying something of pure beauty.
I had always classed myself as a good person. Someone who would always do the right thing, no matter the price. Little did I know, that would turn out to be the biggest lie of all.
When I found out there was a secret that could destroy even the greatest of all the love stories, I took the coward’s way out. I threw it all away, knowing that I would never find it again.
What would you do if the best thing you could do for someone would be to just walk away? What would you do if removing yourself from their life, so that they could be happy, would be the best thing for them? Would you do it?
Or would you let the lies and secrets continue to grow and destroy everything?
“You may now kiss the bride.”
The room erupted into applause as we all watched James and Nina be united in holy matrimony. I grinned as I clapped my hands together as I watched these two crazies be tied together forever. These two hadn’t had the easiest of starts, but with a little pushing and a lot of meddling from a mutual friend—me—they had finally found their way down the path of happily ever after.
“They finally did it.” My good friend and business partner, Thomas, clapped his hand down on my shoulder before squeezing it.
“About bloody time,” I teased back. We both grinned as the bride and groom made their way up the aisle. As they passed us, Nina reached out and grasped my fingers. “Save me a dance, beautiful.” I gave her a cheeky wink as James pulled her past us.
“Hands off my wife,” James joked.
I rolled my eyes at them and watched them go. The room slowly filed out after them, leaving the small chapel empty. Some of us would be going straight to the venue to party with them and celebrate their nuptials. They didn’t invite every single guest to their reception. Just wanted to party with their nearest and dearest, I guess.
Standing outside, I watched as James and Nina climbed into the back of a limousine.
“What’s the bet they’ll take the long way to the venue?” I grinned at Thomas, wiggling my eyebrows at him.
“Luke!” Charlie admonished me. “Do you have to cheapen the moment?”
“Of course I do.” I bent down and kissed her cheek before reaching across and shaking Alex’s hand. “You wouldn’t love me any other way.”
Alex and Charlie had been married for a few years. They ran a bar and a bakery and had two children with another on the way.
“Hoping for a boy this time?”
Alex rolled his eyes at my teasing. He was a bit on the large side and could most likely knock me down if I wound him up too much, but luckily for me, he was used to my sense of humor.
“You boys need a ride?” Alex asked as he walked ahead of us, leading the way to an SUV.
“How is Lauren doing, Thomas?” Charlie asked as I held her door open. She grasped my hand as she hoisted herself up. She had a small baby bump at the moment, but in a few months, she’d need help climbing in.
I closed the door and climbed in behind her next to Thomas.
“She’s okay.” He clipped his belt in before he stretched his legs out. “I almost didn’t come, as she’s only six weeks away from her due date. Mum is staying with her while I’m here.”
“You guys staying long?” Alex asked as he pulled out of his parking spot. “We’re flying back in a few days.” He reached over and placed his hand on Charlie’s thigh. She immediately placed her hand over his and they entwined their fingers.
“I fly back tomorrow,” Thomas replied. “No clue when Luke here is going to be joining me back at work,” he said, pointing his thumb at me.
“You’re staying out here?” Charlie turned to look at me over her shoulder. “Seriously?” She sounded shocked that I wouldn’t be returning to the mother country straight away. Instead, I’d be remaining on foreign soil in an unknown place on my own.“What are you planning on doing? Are you going to stay with James and Nina?”
“What?” I asked in mock surprise. “And listen to them two make a mini James? No thanks!” I turned my head and looked out the window, watching the streets pass us by. “Figured I’d see some of America while I’m over here.” I paused to elbow Thomas in the side. “I’ve picked up the slack for you enough times. This can be you returning the favor.”