Page 13 of The Lies of Gravity
I rolled my eyes at him before I gave him a gentle shove.
“I’ll get you a glass of water.” I walked to the kitchen and filled the glass before I walked back toward him. “Take a few gulps.”
“It’s gonna take more than that to sober me up.”
“Fucking tell me something I don’t know,” I muttered. I watched him take a few gulps before he handed me the half-empty glass back. He flopped back on the bed, his feet still dangling off the side of the mattress.
“I’m just going to lie here for a minute.”
I placed the glass on the side and leaned down to pull his shoes off. Dumping them on the floor, I lifted his feet and straightened him up on the bed before I grabbed the blanket and folded it over him.
“Where are you going to sleep?” He stared up at me, his eyes already on their way to half-closing.
“I’ll stay on the sofa.” I was mid-turn before his hand shot out and he grasped my wrist, stopping me.
“Stay here. There’s plenty of room.” He smiled up at me and I knew that he could probably get a lot of things done his way if he used that smile like he was now. “I can behave myself.”
I chuckled. “Okay. Let me lock up and I’ll be with you.”
He nodded his head and let me go before he snuggled into the pillow, closing his eyes.
After making sure the door was locked up, I removed my shoes. After a quick change—because no way was I going to bed in my orange Knicks gear—I grabbed a t-shirt and changed into it while pulling my gray joggers up. Turning the lights off, I left the lamp on in the corner of the room and climbed into bed on the other side of him.
I looked across at him and I couldn’t help my finger from reaching out and stroking the hair back from his forehead. He didn’t move or even stir at my actions. I thought back to the events of the day and although tonight wasn’t exactly how I envisioned it ending, I couldn’t deny and say I hadn’t enjoyed myself.
After today, I was determined to get to know Freddie more and see where this goes.
“What the fuck, my poor head.” I groaned, reaching up to rub the side of my temples in a circular motion. I squinted my eyes in a struggle to prise them open, but I just couldn’t manage the extreme effort and focus it took to actually complete the task. The sunlight was just too bright as it fought to attack my pupils. I mean, had I’d been that out of it to forget to shut the blinds? “Uh, how much did I drink last night? Isobel, Chrissie, you can cover for me today. I need more shut eye before I can deal with the cesspit of work. I mean, I know I ditched you, but…”
I turned over and mumbled into the pillow, flying my hands out in front of me to wrap the covers closer into my body, desperate for the thick material to protect my eyes as the sun rose higher, but I froze.
A sexy fresh stubble.
Warm skin. Gulp.
A shot of electricity straight to my groin. Shit.
That delicious musky smell. Fuck.
I wasn’t alone.
The night flashed before my eyes as the deep chuckle and roll of laughter began to bellow in front of me. I daren’t look as I tried to slow my breaths down. I mean, only I could make such a huge fuck up?
Please, please, please,I prayed to someone up above, but I had a feeling that luck definitely wasn’t about to be on my side.
I placed my hand over my eyes before I slowly opened one eye, then the other, peeping through the slits of my fingers in the hope it would block out some of the brightness and ultimate pounding in my head. It shouldn’t have mattered though, because my heartrate sped up for another reason.
Tousled, dark bed hair.
Cheeky grin, baring back at me.
Mischievous eyes.
I ran my hand down my clothed front and reached my opened button popped jeans. Shit. This had to be one of those mirages. Those dreams that seem like it’s reality and you wake up covered in sweat? I could feel the hard, painful length of my cock caught in its restraints and knew my pre-cum would leave its mark on the front of my boxers. I gulped back hard, hoping it didn’t make it through to my jeans.