Page 8 of The Lies of Gravity
Opening it up, I saw it was a picture message. Clicking on it I chuckled when I saw a picture of James and Nina pop up, making goofy smiles at the screen.
Don’t forget to come and see us before you go back to London. Kisses
I sent a quick response back.
Still in New York. Going to see some of the city tomorrow. Might not go back to London ;)
They’d laugh at that. They knew me too well to know I’d never survive in America full time. I had too many responsibilities waiting for me back home. Plus, Thomas would kill me if I told him I wouldn’t be returning to London. Especially with him having a baby on the way.
As much as I loved NYC, I don’t think I could ever give up home for it. I loved the way that the city never closed, that there was always something open no matter where you were in the city, but it wasn’t home. There was something about London that was just safe to me. Familiar. Just like New York City, there was something about London that just couldn’t be replicated. It was a one in a million kind of place to live.
Climbing the steps to my building, I thought ahead of my plans for tomorrow. I planned to do the most touristy things tomorrow: taking a boat out to the Statue of Liberty, lunch on the street from one of the many takeout carriages and then I had a ticket to go and watch the NYC Knicks take on the Philadelphia 76ers. I wasn’t a huge basketball fan, but Thomas had told me I couldn’t go to New York andnotwatch the Knicks play.
I quickly unlocked the door, kicking it shut behind me before I made my way to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and went to the bedroom, stripping off my clothes and tossing them in the corner. I’d need to take them to the laundromat and get them cleaned before my next shift.
Climbing in the shower, I groaned as the hot water began to stream down over my tight muscles. Normally after a late shift, I collapse into bed and not surface until the morning. Tonight, however, I still felt tense. I don’t know what was wrong with me.
Thinking back on my interaction with Freddie, I cringed at how awkward it was. He probably thought I was a complete weirdo. I tilted my head up, letting the water stream down over me. I could feel myself becoming hard as I thought about Freddie.
The image of the two of us beneath this spray flashed through my mind and it made me go from semi-hard to titanium steel. It was an image that was going to live rent-free in my head for a good while.
I fisted my length, rocking into my hand. I closed my eyes, imagining it was his hand I was rocking into, that it was his voice against my lips, his moans being swallowed down my throat. My stamina went out the window as I rocked faster and harder before I let myself explode. I slumped forward, resting my head against my arm as I leaned against the tiled wall.
Standing back, I quickly finished up in the shower, washing the suds off my body before I turned the shower off. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. After brushing my teeth, I switched the bathroom light off and walked to my bed. Toweling off, I grabbed my gray jogger bottoms and slipped them on before I walked over to the window.
As I stood there gazing out into the city lights below, I made a deal with myself as I looked at my reflection. It had been so long since I had allowed anyone else in. So long since I had opened my heart to another that wasn’t to one of my friends.
I couldn’t reason with myself what it was about Freddie that had my interest. He intrigued me, but there was something else there. Something that fascinated me about him that I just couldn’t put my finger on.
Next time I saw Freddie, I made a promise to myself to try and get to know him more.
I wanted to know him. Before I left New York to head home, I made a deal with myself to make some memories that would make me look back happily on my time here.
Tye always said that I had a habit of closing myself off, that I didn’t live my life for me. I guess it was time to start putting myself out there.
What a shift! I’d ended up back on my normal schedule of working until the night team arrived and got myself back into the daily grind of work. I had to show Isobel and Chrissie that covering for me with Del Granbler was worth it, and I wasn’t just a sexy piece of ass in a well-fitted suit that had both the women and men drooling at my feet. I’ve rather missed having men dropping at my feet lately, especially with their mouths open and sucking my cock, but I’d tried to avoid my manwhore ways and behave—well, until Mark had offered me an invitation to go out tonight.
I made my way up to the Wilden Bar to make use of my staff benefits. I mean, any discount in New York City wasn’t to be sniffed at, especially when it was at a high-end establishment. One neat scotch was just what I needed before I headed home. I just didn’t expect to see the most mesmerizing man behind the bar in my life. I mean, he knew how to make the signature X-type braces the staff wore look like a fine delicacy but those tattoos he sported. Fuck, I wanted to let my fingers trail along each one. I’d never wanted to peel off a uniform so fast and see the layers underneath. Trace the canvas over his skin and read every inch. Fuck, who was this man?
“I’m Luke.” His smooth British twang ignited a fire within me as he held out his hand to shake mine.
Seriously, this man was hot. I wanted to invite him along tonight to Keyo, but Robert scuppered those plans. I’d never wanted to shoot daggers at a man so much as I did at this moment.
“Catch you later.” I raised my glass to him before taking a sip as I watched him turn away. I didn’t dare try to hide the fact I enjoyed watching his arse as he swayed away and out the back.
I felt the vibration of my cell in my pocket and reached for it, thinking Mark would be wondering where the fuck I was only to be surprised it was Isobel.
Payback is a bitch and you owe us. Tomorrow night seven pm outside Madison Square Gardens. Hope you’re ready. Love ya x
Well shit. Fucking basketball and the Knicks. I was going to be the bodyguard and protector of the girls, and they’d lap this up for fun. Everleigh and Dawson would never let me live this down. The one and only time I ever went to a Knicks game before and I’d told them they’d have to either have me unconscious or drunk again to set foot in that stadium to watch grown men bouncing a ball around. I mean, why couldn’t it be a game of playing with my balls? That I could get on board with. At least I knew the place had a bar. I could prop it up the entire length of the game.
Suddenly I didn’t fancy being out on the town. I didn’t want to be at Keyo and see Mark. I wanted to go home and recall Luke’s emerald green eyes as I fuck my hand and imagine his eyelashes fluttering beneath me, begging for more—begging for me.
* * *