Page 47 of The Sins of Silence
“Can you hold her a second whilst I sort out the pram for Christopher?” Lauren asked, her voice chirpy and excited, nothing giving away that I’d just thrown her with a huge news overload.
I just nodded as I didn’t know what to say or do as the emotions bubbled under my skin, knowing mine and Christopher’s little bean was growing inside of me. I watched as Christopher gulped hard as he watched me take Lucie out of Lauren’s arms before reaching for the changing bag and supplies off the pram. It made me realize how much I wanted Christopher to have that moment and memory like we had with the others in NYC—not a tainted version—as he told his friends about his life in America.
* * *
Christopher could tell that something was on my mind the moment we pulled up at Thomas and Lauren’s place. He didn’t question it as we arrived at their home and as I went to follow them, heading for the door. I was relieved that he didn’t voice his concerns. I didn’t know how to tell him I worried I may have ruined his surprise. I had stared out of the car the whole journey, lost at the stark differences between London and New York City. Yes, it was busy but nowhere near the craziness we had back home. Was it strange to say I missed the honking of the yellow taxis? The greenery drew me in immediately, transporting me straight back to that day in Central Park with Christopher. I loved how laid back he seemed and now I was beginning to understand why. It had brought a small part of home to him when he felt his most vulnerable.
Christopher was too quick though to stop me catching up with the others as he gripped my wrist and pulled me back, spinning me into his arms. Our breaths tangled as his fingers traveled down my sides and my body relaxed at his touch.
“Pretty girl, what did I miss?” His hands reached down to my fingers and stopped moving when he realized I wasn’t wearing my ring. “Isobel?” He gripped my hand, interlacing our fingers in concern.
“I didn’t want them seeing it until you told them,” I whispered, my voice cracking with emotion. “I wanted to let you have the moment you deserve.”
“We deserve it. It’s our moment but I’m guessing by your emotions something didn’t go to plan,” Christopher muttered.
I just shook my head, confirming that he could read me so well.
“Well, whatever it is it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re okay and our little bean is.”
“We are. I promise. Now let’s go in and share our news because after, I need a nap. I want to be awake enough when you take me to see this long awaited bar and of course, some of the city. We’ve got so much to pack in,” I said, realizing that the next few days will fly by before we have to jump back on the plane and head back to the others. I just hoped it didn’t knock Christopher’s mindset or thoughts over our future. I couldn’t deal with that on top of my current emotional state.
* * *
The moment Christopher got us comfortable on the sofa and Thomas had finished prepping Lucie’s bottle that was it... It was almost as if Thomas and Lauren could sense that they were both needed. Just mentioning the exhaustion hitting me was enough for Christopher to take everything into his own hands, protecting me as normal knowing that our bean was in control yet again; not us.
“Guys.” Christopher gulped back, holding me closely against his side. “I know this may come as a shock but I couldn’t do this over that damn Skype. You’re too important…” He looked at me, placing his hand across my tummy with one hand and leaving it to settle. “This is too important.”
Lauren gazed between us, now reading the full situation as Thomas lifted Lucie onto his shoulder to wind her. His mouth widened in complete shock as I bit my lip and let the tears fall as the emotions took hold.
I quickly swept them away as Lauren handed me a tissue and Christopher kissed the top of my head.
“I was exactly the same. This one…” Lauren stopped and nudged Thomas. “He didn’t have a clue what to say or do. I’m so happy for you both. You deserve this…” Lauren gazed at Christopher and nodded at him. She smiled as she took Lucie from Thomas and laid her down on her play mat.
“I know you couldn’t help it. You had such a range of emotions flying at you but it was worth every moment for her,” Thomas admitted, tucking Lauren into his side. “You’ll be an amazing daddy, Christopher.”
I gently coughed and removed the ring from my pocket, placing it back on my finger.
“That’s not all…” I finished, knowing I needed to cement this friendship fully too. “Christopher asked me to be his wife prior to finding out about the baby.”
“You really did find your one, man,” Thomas announced. He jumped up from his seat and headed into the kitchen. They had an open-plan downstairs and I watched as he opened the fridge door and pulled out a bottle of bubbly and fresh orange juice before shutting it. He opened the door and grabbed glasses out of the cupboard and set them down on the worktop as I unwrapped myself from Christopher so he could help carry everything in. “I’m glad I always keep a cold bottle stored away for special occasions. I can say I didn’t expect that but I’ve never seen you like this.”
“I agree…” Lauren interrupted. “You both seem to just fit. I think we should drink to that.”
The guys placed the bottle of bubbly and orange juice on the coffee table and started to pour them as Christopher shook his hand to the bubbly and opted for the orange juice alongside myself.
“Cheers guys. It seems everyone is finding their special person. It’s nice to see us all settling down, what with James, Nina, Luke and now you.” Thomas held his glass up into the air as we all chinked them together.
I took a sip, allowing the fresh coldness of the juice to travel down my throat and settle in my stomach. Unfortunately, I struggled to feign the tiredness that was overwhelming me.
“Isobel, I hope you don’t mind me saying but you do look tired. Lucie drained me in those early stages. If you want to lie down and have a nap we wouldn’t mind,” Lauren said. I could tell she was uncertain if she was overstepping the mark or not. “Plus, the traveling, too.”
“Thanks,” I replied as Christopher just nodded at the two of us, taking my glass from me, urging for me to stand.
“We’ve kept your old room the same for you.” Lauren turned to face Christopher before addressing me. “They enjoy taking every ounce of energy from us, Isobel. Rest while you can and we’ll grab you when we’re ready to head out.”
“I appreciate that. I really do,” I said as Christopher guided me straight toward the bedroom where I needed to rest my eyes, just for five minutes.
* * *