Page 5 of The Sins of Silence
“We are going to browse some venue spaces,” Luke answered. “I’m dragging Christopher along to maybe get him off his ass and back into employment.” He grinned at me while saying this.
“Why don’t you ask Dawson if there is a job going here?” she asked, turning her gaze to me. “While you wait for Luke to set things up.” They both stared at me, Luke with his eyebrows raised and Isobel with a sweet smile on her face, awaiting a response.
“I’ll have a think about it.” I placed my hands in my jean pockets, feeling nervous as they watched me. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do yet. I wasn’t sure where I belonged.
Working in a bar was familiar to me as that was what I did for employment before Luke and Thomas went into business. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go back to that or whether it was time to look for something new. Something different.
“Maybe,” I muttered. “I’ll have a think about it.” I paused for a brief moment. “I used to work in Finance so that might be something to think about.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I’ll have a think.” I flicked my gaze to Luke. “Are you ready now?”
“Sure.” He nodded his head and took a few steps away. “See you later, Isobel.”
“Bye, Isobel.” I gave her a small smile before I walked past her and followed Luke to the exit.
I had no clue what I wanted to do or where I belonged. The only place I felt I belonged at the moment was with Luke or Thomas. I needed to find myself again.
My soldier boy made me swoon and he didn’t even know it. I couldn’t resist that sexy twang of his. It made my thong dampen in desire. The throb in my core didn’t seem to ease as my gaze latched onto his pulled back shoulders before they lingered slowly down his back and onto the curve of his firm ass. Damn, how I wanted to squeeze that.
I couldn’t get Luke’s words out of my head about Christopher needing a job to cement himself here. I got it. I really did. If he had something to cling to here—a purpose—maybe it would make the everyday strains of being in a new city less daunting for him to deal with. I had to help him push to live outside of his self-imposed, created comfort zone.
I was Isobel Holland and I usually got what I wanted. At the moment, that was to be closer to Christopher. I needed to be near, should he want a friend or someone to rely on. He may think that I was blind to his displayed actions but I felt like I was already starting to get to know him. Words written on a sheet of paper could easily convey one message but sometimes you had to look deep within to see the bigger picture, to grasp the emotion.
I knew Christopher’s comfort was only eased by one person here in New York: Luke. Even Freddie was still finding a place where to fit in his mind but Christopher needed to realize something and fast: I didn’t just hide away. I slotted myself right into the middle of a situation. He had my friendship whether he knew it or not. I just had to show him that he could rely on it.
* * *
“Chrissie, can you keep an eye on the desk for me?” I leaned over her shoulder and slid her the chocolate brownie I’d grabbed from Max at the coffee shop to sweeten her up on my break. “I just need to go and have a talk with someone.”
“What are you up to now?” She spun her chair around to face me with a devious grin on her face. I crossed my arms, meeting her gaze. “You never buy me brownies unless you’ve one…” She paused and raised her finger at me. “Broken the photocopier and need my expertise to fix the damn thing.” Chrissie raised a second finger. “Two, whatever you’re about to do may require back-up so you don’t get caught.” I couldn’t help but smirk at how well Chrissie knew me. She raised her third finger up and down. “Finally, you’re doing something in which the person doesn’t realize they actually need help with, which means that they may either love you for it or wonder why you butted in.”
“We have a winner.” I raised my hand, pretending to ring a bell above my head. “It’s number three.”
“I can cope with that. If you said it was the photocopier again, I’d bloody leave you to take the fall for it but I’m certain Everleigh was to blame last time.” Chrissie sniggered as I reached for my favorite shoulder bag from beneath the desk. It pays to be prepared.
“The lowdown in quick time, Chrissie. I think Mr. Granbler will kill me if I’m late. I’ve already fucked up his lunch hour.”
“I found Everleigh’s thong jammed in the copier unit. It’s no wonder Dawson only gave permission for me to fix it or he’d throw the damn thing away. Could you imagine old man Geoff having to take that thing apart and finding them wedged in there?” Chrissie grabbed her side as she struggled to contain her laughter. “He’d never return again.”
“Dawson wouldn’t let him, either. He’d have lost his mind. Thank fuck you fixed it.” I grinned. “Dawson on the rampage would’ve been funny though. It is sweet when he’s all protective of her. We definitely need to catch up with Everleigh soon.”
“We do.” Chrissie beamed. “I’ll message her and arrange something for us all.”
“Thanks for doing this. I had better get going. Wish me luck.” I headed off towards the elevator, ignoring Chrissie’s questioning look. I knew she was wondering what the hell I was up to but until I had Del locked into my plan, I wasn’t about to reveal anything to anyone.
I took the elevator up to the eighteenth floor, making sure my dress was smoothed out the best it could be. First impressions counted; if not, then I wasn’t opposed to using my ties with Everleigh and Dawson to help me out.
It wasn’t like Christopher was a nobody. He had credentials and Luke and Freddie would vouch for him. I just wanted to give a friend a helping hand where I knew the people around him would support him and not make him feel insecure—ever.
“I’m here to see Mr. Granbler,” I said politely to the woman on the desk. “Could you let him know I’ve arrived, please?”
“Of course, Miss—”
“Holland. Isobel Holland,” I replied before she indicated for me to take a seat. “Derrick… I mean, Mr. Granbler is just finishing up his last meeting—”
I heard the door open and Derrick spun the woman so that her back was pressed up against the frame of the door. He moved her long blond hair that framed her face behind her ears and kissed her neck, moving slowly down as his fingers trailed down over her hip.