Page 19 of The Naughty List
Twenty minutes later we were on our way out of the hotel. We stopped by a Starbucks so I could get another white chocolate peppermint mocha (since I was addicted) and a pumpkin muffin, and then we set off again for Michigan Avenue.
It was freezing again today but between my mocha and Danny’s arm around my waist, I felt pretty warm as we walked.
We were almost to the Nordstrom’s entrance when Danny stopped abruptly on the sidewalk and pointed to some mistletoe that was attached to the entryway of the store. “I think we better kiss, Belle. I’ve heard it’s bad luck to ignore mistletoe,” he said in a serious tone that was belied by the twinkle in his eye.
I froze. I mean, what I had done last night was way beyond a kiss. But felt like once I opened this gate, I wasn’t going to be able to stop myself from blowing it wide open and doing much...much...more.
“Just a little kiss,” said Danny. “It’s mistletoe. It would be a tragedy if we didn’t take advantage of it,” he reasoned.
It wasn’t really that crazy that this would be the next step after last night. This whole escape from reality still seemed unreal though. This was something that would happen to Myles, not to me. But itwashappening to me.
Before I could stop myself, I grabbed Danny’s shirt in my hands and ?gave him the best kiss I could muster.
His lips were firm and hot against mine. If he was surprised by my sudden movement, he didn’t dwell on it, immediately taking charge of the kiss. His arms went around my waist, pulling me flush against him as he ran his tongue along the seam of my lips. Delicious.
I could feel his muscles flex beneath my hands, which I had uncurled, spreading my fingers across his chest as he deepened the kiss. His tongue tangled with mine and his other hand slid downward, cupping my butt and hauling me even tighter against his body.
It was without a doubt the best kiss I’d ever had in my life and I couldn’t get enough. He tasted like coffee and cinnamon, his tongue taking control of my mouth. I decided right then and there that, screw my white chocolate mocha, these were my new favorite flavors.
He knew exactly what he wanted, and I was more than happy to give it to him. I had never felt so desired...the evidence of this pressing hard against my stomach. Arching against him, I felt him groan and it gave me the courage to keep going. I slid my hands upward, twisting in his soft hair, wanting whatever he would give me.
Through the haze of desire, I heard a throat clear behind us. We broke apart. A shopper was standing there with an annoyed look on her face, waiting to go through the store’s entrance that we were currently blocking.
I felt my face go red, and I crossed my arms over my chest, staring down at the sidewalk as if I had been caught doing something bad. Which, technically, I probably had been. Or had been about to be doing.
“Sorry about that, ma’am. Just taking advantage of the holiday season,” smirked Danny, as he stepped aside with a bow to let her in. Of course, she wasn’t immune to his charms and walked through the door with a huge smile on her face.
Danny pushed me through the door after her, his hands on my waist. As soon as we were in the store, he pressed a kiss on my neck before letting me go. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the moment I saw you,” he whispered in my ear.
“Why didn’t you do it then?” I taunted him, surprising both of us. I walked quickly away. After a second, where I’m pretty sure I had left him dazed and confused...he caught up with me.
We managed to spend the next hour in and out of stores at the mall that Nordstrom was connected to...but I couldn’t tell you what I saw. Danny was too distracting. That kiss seemed to have lit a fire in both of us and we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.
After another quick kiss, after an hour of ones just like that, Danny groaned and grabbed my hand, dragging me through the mall with determined strides.
“Where are we going?” I yelped, as I tried to keep up with him.
We turned a corner, and both stopped in surprise. In front of us must have been the mall’s Santa Claus exhibit. This was way more elaborate than I had seen in other malls however as they had set up a whole house for kids to visit Santa that resembled a gingerbread house. It evidently hadn’t opened for business yet based on the fact that the windows and doors were closed and the sign next to the house said operating hours were from twelve pm to five pm.
Danny walked up to the house and tried the door, giving a small ‘whoop’ when it opened up. Before I could say anything, he then dragged me straight into the little cottage, closing the door after us. He pushed me against one of the walls, that I was grateful appeared to be sturdy enough to support my weight.
“It was a bit crowded out there, don’t you think?” he asked with a naughty grin.
I tried to arrange my features into a neutral reaction like I wasn’t having heart palpitations at our proximity and location. “You’re right,” I said with a hopefully serious nod. “Very, very busy.” He swept my hair back off my shoulder and I thought I was going to melt. He kissed my throat next and now I was shivering. “It’s going to open soon. Santa and his elves could be here any minute,” I managed to get out even though it was hard to form words at the moment.
He pressed his lips just beneath my ear. “Mmhmm,” he responded. “That’s true. Should I stop?” he asked as he kissed down my neck. My body arched against him.
“Probably,” I murmured.
He raised his neck to look at me. “I’ll make it quick,” he countered, and then before I could argue, he brought his mouth down hard against mine.
My knees went weak as I was pressed for the first time in my life firmly between a wall and a hard body. A very hard body.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pressed his mouth against mine, easing my lips open so his tongue was tangled with mine. He tasted so dang good. Heat rushed through my body, pooling between my legs, my skin tingling as he ran his hands up my arms to cup my face. He deepened the kiss, his fingers tight in my hair. I couldn’t get enough, my own hands roaming eagerly across his wide, muscular chest and broad shoulders, wishing that there wasn’t a sweater between us. Wishing that there wasn’t anything between us.
I wanted him. I arched against him, wanting to be closer, wanting more. He groaned as I rocked my hips forward, responding by pinning me more firmly to the wall, dragging my hands up above my head, our fingers linked. He pressed his pelvis against mine and I could feel exactly how much he wanted me, his desire hard against my stomach. I shuddered, knowing that he felt this too. That I was making him feel this way. It was intoxicating, and I couldn’t get enough. Tearing his mouth from mine, he began to drop hot, seductive kisses down the side of my throat. Keeping my hands pinned with one of his, he brought the other one down to my hips. It began to inch upward while his mouth came lower until they met at my breast.
I moaned as his tongue circled my breast through the fabric of my bra and shirt. My jacket was off already. I had torn it off I guess when he had first started to kiss me.