Page 36 of The Naughty List
“I just didn’t want you to feel pressure to make this more than it was,” I told them lamely.
“More than it was?” repeated Max sarcastically. “You’re so full of it, Belle. I thought you were past being scared of everything.”
I didn’t have a response to that. “What are you doing here?” I finally said.
“We’re students here,” replied Danny proudly.
“What? How?” I asked, my mouth hanging open.
“We petitioned to transfer at the beginning of last semester after our baseball coach got suspended because he got caught with a co-ed. The new coach they put in didn’t have the major league contacts that we needed...and basically sucked balls. Max here is one of the top prospects in the country, and I’m not half bad myself, so we got the okay to transfer at the end of the semester,” explained Danny.
I took a moment to absorb all of that. Baseball. That made sense based on their unbelievable bodies. And the fact that they were here early since I knew the baseball team was one of the teams that had to report back to get ready for their season.
“So, you’re going to be students here?” I asked once again just to clarify.
“Yep,” said Danny, pulling me against him and wrapping his arms around me tightly. I soaked in the affection after days of loneliness.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, frowning because I had told them where I went to school.
Max looked sheepish for a moment. “We’ve had a lot of girls try to get with us once they knew we were pretty big baseball players. I’m set to go first or second round in the draft and I just wanted to hang out with you without having to wonder if you were just around because you wanted something from me.”
I nodded thoughtfully. That made sense. Hadn’t I wanted to be someone different during that time as well?
“We were going to tell you everything, make plans, do this thing right that morning,” said Danny.
Max crowded me against Danny so that I was buffeted by both of their bodies. “Are you done running, pretty girl?” said Max as he reached out a hand to stroke my bottom lip.
“You want to be with me?” I asked somewhat incredulously. “Both of you? Because I really can’t decide between the two of you,” I told him.
They both got even closer to me until I felt like I was going to faint from the hormones that were building up inside of me with their close proximity.
“We both like you, a lot. Actually...I’m pretty sure we both have fallen in love with you,” Danny whispered in a sexy voice as my heart began to beat out of my chest. “We want to see where this goes. Will you give us a chance, Belle?”
“Will you, sweetheart?” asked Max, staring at me with those intense eyes of his. “Take a chance on two assholes you met in an airport bar?”
I thought for a moment, looking between the two of them. I remembered how captivated I was the first time we met, how they shared their table with me, ate my nachos, then bought me drinks. I’d never forget the days I spent with them in Chicago. And it hit me that I had fallen in love with them somewhere along the way despite my best intentions. They were giving me what I had thought was only a dream.
“Yes,” I whispered, giving them a soft smile as I began to softly sob.
Max responded with only a smile before his lips were on mine, kissing me with days of pent-up passion. Danny started trailing kisses down my neck at the same time and it was like we had never been a part.
The room was filled with the rustling of clothing and soft moans as we got reacquainted with each other, and I had never been happier.
I may have gotten myself on the naughty list, but I had somehow gotten everything I could have ever wanted for Christmas and so much more.
Graduation day was here, and I was so fucking proud of our girl. Danny and I were both on our feet hooting and hollering as she crossed the stage in her black graduation robe and cap.
She shot us a shy glance right before she accepted her diploma. Our girl was gorgeous. Yes, that's right. I said, "our girl." It had become obvious quite quickly after we met, that we both could see a future with her. Danny and I had spent this past spring semester playing baseball and figuring out our relationship with Belle. It hadn't always been easy, and sometimes one or both of us had gotten jealous. But it had been so worth it.
I looked over at Danny who was practically vibrating with excitement and pride as he watched her. Our names had been called earlier and Danny had already taken off his cap and rolled the sleeves of his graduation gown up, showcasing those tattoos he was so proud of. I have never imagined sharing the love of my life, but if I had to do it, I couldn't picture doing it with a better guy.
I had always thought that Danny and I were going to go pro together, but halfway through baseball season when we were both getting looks from major league scouts, Danny had told me that his heart just wasn't in it. Baseball was still my dream however, and they were both so fucking supportive about it despite the fact that me being drafted meant that they would be trying to find jobs in Atlanta, since I would be starting with the AA team there.
I knew the next few years would be hard as I hopefully battled my way up to a spot with the Braves, but I knew with Belle and Danny beside me, I could make it through anything. I knew it would make it easier to be on the road for away games knowing that Belle was being taken care of by someone who loved her just as much as I did.