Page 119 of Chaotic Anger
I sigh, spinning the empty shot class in a circle. “I don’t know. A lot, I guess.”
She snatches the glass out of my hand and fills it again. I swallow it down, wincing through the burn.
“Tell me.” She orders, taking the glass away and setting it behind her.
“Crowds make me nervous.”
She rolls her eyes. “We don’t even have that many people here. It’s the usual crowd plus a few extra, so nice try. Go again.”
I sigh. “Aziel went to go deal withwork. It makes me nervous, I can’t lie.”
“That it’s the Mexicans?”
I nod.
“Look behind you.”
I twist around, looking at the crowd behind me.
“Who do you see?” She asks
“Well, Pascal and Lynx…”
“Exactly. If it’s that kind of work shit, those two would be there too. It’s nothing serious, Ivy. You need to relax. It’s your birthday.”
I nod my head, turning back around and grimace when I start to feel a little heavy from those two shots.
“I guess I miss my parents, too. Didn’t ever think I’d be twenty years old and an orphan.”
Haley’s hand reaches out and grips mine. She gives it a squeeze. “I know, honey. You haven’t had the easiest life. None of us really have. But family doesn’t always equal blood, you know that. Just take a look at Lilah and Z.”
I smile. “I know.”
“Take a look around you, one more time.”
I do as I’m told, much slower this time.
“You see those people?”
I nod.
“You’ve got family girl. A lot more than other people have.”
My chest lightens as I look around. Everyone here cares about me. And I care about all of them. They’re family. I miss my own. But these people, every person in this room, cares enough about me that they consider me family, too.
I hear the stool to my right scrape against the floor, and I barely spare a glance as two girls sit down. I don’t know who invited Jessie’s to my birthday party, but whatever. Doesn’t really surprise me.
“Hey.” One of the girls says.
I look to Haley, wishing she could see my face and pass me another shot. But she’s talking to Pascal at the other end of the bar.
I slowly turn towards the two girls.
“Hi.” My voice attempts to come off strong, but I end up sounding childish when I get a good look at them.
The girl directly to my right has long, dark hair that shines like darkest onyx I’ve ever seen. She’s fucking gorgeous. Tall, thin, and dresses like she belongs on a runway and not in a biker club. She has on ripped jeans, flats, and a crop top. I’m jealous that she can pull this outfit off. I suddenly feel like the inept kid in high school with her shredded shirt and short shorts.
The girl next to her is petite, like a miniature version of an adult. Her short hair pulled on top of her head in a messy bun. She’s wearing boyfriend jeans and a baggy crop top shirt that says MILF. I would chuckle if I didn’t feel totally uncomfortable right now.