Page 41 of Chaotic Anger
Alexia steps back, grabbing the zipper at the top of her coat near her chin, and starts pulling downward. Her fingers shake erratically, and my eyes grow wide as saucers as I see what’s underneath the random coat.
It’s a mass of devices strapped around her body. What looks to be like a machine… an explosive? A bomb? Something is wired around her and right over her heart is a red light that seems to be blinking fast.
Way too fast.
“I’m sorry, Ivy. I’m finally free. You should run… but you know you’ll never escape him. Go back to him, Ivy. Go back before he hurts anyone else. You know he’ll never stop.” She cries.
“Holy shit.”
“Fucking hell.”
“Oh my God.”
“Alexia!” I cry, pushing through the bulking arms towards her. I’m suddenly shoved roughly away as everyone starts scrambling.
“Fucking bomb!”
I trip in the chaos, falling to the dirt ground and scraping my palm on a jagged rock. “Ouch.” A set of arms wraps around me and hauls me up.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Aziel curses as he sprints away from Alexia.
My friend.
“Alexia!” I scream, but Aziel shoves my head underneath his arm and blocks me from the inevitable blast.
The blast knocks us off our feet. Aziel braces for the fall, blocking me from taking the brunt of the crash. I fall on top of him, a blast of smoke and dust clouding the air and making it hard to breathe.
I can’t hear anything besides the ringing in my ears. I can see Aziel through the dust moving his mouth as he shouts something to someone. I can’t see more than a foot in front of me.
When the ringing dissipates, what sounds like oversized raindrops fall to the ground in heavy splats. The smell of burnt body and metal fills the air, turning my stomach into knots.
My sobs shake my chest as I start to turn around.
“Don’t.” Aziel grabs onto my cheeks with both hands, his own face dusty and dirty. The looks on his face is shock and horror. “Don’t turn around. Just look at me.”
“Alexia.” I whisper, silent tears tracking down my face in constant waves. “Is she…?” I look up at him, pleading for him to tell me she’s okay. That she’ll make it through this. I know better, though. There’s just no way.
He shakes his head sadly. “She’s gone, Ivy. I’m sorry, but she’s gone.”
“She was out. She was away from him.” Will we ever be rid of Santiago? Or will I be stuck with him like Alexia, until I take my last breath?
“I need to get you inside. I’ve got to go.” I suddenly hear the roar of motorcycles and realize he means leave here. Like, leavingme.
“What? What do you mean? Where are you going?”
“I’ve got to go deal with shit, Ivy.” Evasive as fuck.
“What if Santiago comes? You can’t leave me here alone.” Panic seizes my chest, and I can barely catch my breath.
“You’ll be fine here. There’s no way he’s getting in here.” He sounds so certain that it calms my nerves, but only a little. “Come on.”
He pulls me to my feet, and I turn to look where Alexia was, but Aziel blocks my view. “Stop. You don’t want to see it.”
I nod, swallowing down a sob that tries to break free. I focus my gaze on the ground, almost losing my shit when I see a pile of red goo in front of me. Then another. And another. It seems like a fucking polka dot dress of red Alexia painted across the ground. It’s horrifying.
“Oh my God.” I whisper with a shaky breath.