Page 65 of Chaotic Anger
“Spit it out, Ivy.” The edge to his voice borders on anger. I want to melt into these cool dark sheets and fall into the abys, so I don’t have to deal with his wrath.
“It’s going to take time, okay? You don’t understand what I’ve been through all these years. I feel like I’m in a dream laying here with you. I was trapped, kidnapped. I won’t be able to give you my all until he’s dead.”
“I’m going to kill him. You don’t have to worry about him anymore.”
I shake my head. “I won’t trust anything anyone says until I see his head laying at my feet.”
He rolls off of me and presses his back onto the bed.
I reach down, grabbing onto his hand and lacing my fingers through his. “I’m sorry.” I say, staring at the ceiling. “I don’t mean to be cold towards you or anything. I … I need time to adjust. I’ve lost everything.”
“So, you can build something new. Better than before.”
I shrug. “Maybe. I’m just trying to take one day at a time.”
“One day at a time.” He echoes. “I can live with that.” He gives my hand a squeeze.
One day at a time.
He’s right. He’s been trying. I should try, too.
“Can I ask you a question?” I ask.
“Mmm.” He says. He’s closed his eyes, probably exhausted.
“Where’s your mom?” I ask timidly. I don’t like to bring up sensitive subjects, since I don’t like when they’re turned around on me. But I’m curious. None of the guys have mom’s, wives, family. The only family is Aziel and Lynx. No one else seems to be related. It’s an unconventional group.
“My mom’s dead.” He says, completely and lifelessly.
“What happened?”
“She died while giving birth.” He shrugs, opening his eyes. “I never knew her. My dad didn’t even love her. She was just another girl.”
“I’m sorry.” I say sadly. “That sucks.”
He shrugs again. “Not really. She could have been a shitty mom. I had a great dad. He made up for it. Plus, I had all the guys here. I didn’t miss out on much.”
“I’m still sorry. Everyone needs a mom.” I sigh, the crack in my heart growing at my words. An overwhelming pain comes out of the hole in my heart, and I reach up to rub at the ache.
“Where’s yours? Your mom? Or your dad?” He asks.
“They died.” I choke out, and Aziel sits up and turns towards me.
“What happened to them?”
I bite my lip, thinking of where to start. “They were good people. And I was agoodkid. When I was… kidnapped, Santiago would come and give me updates. I made headline news. My parents searched and searched for me. They even started picking up the trail. I was so hopeful. They made it down to Florida and were going to cross the border. They knew I was in Mexico. The newspaper said their private detective was gaining a lot of evidence and my parents were getting excited for a reunion.” I stop to let out a shaky breath and wipe my eyes. “I didn’t hear much more after that. Santiago was so edgy. Then the next week, he came and threw a newspaper at my face. Said it was my fault. I read the headline. It said my parents were in a terrible freak accident. Their plane malfunctioned and crashed… they didn’t survive. He killed them, Aziel. And he blamed me for my parent’s deaths.” I cry, rolling over to burrow in his chest. “He killed my parents. I want him to die, so bad.”
He curls his hand around my head, holding me tightly as the suppressed tears make their reentrance. I’ve cried so many times at the loss of my parents, but every time I relieve their tragic story, the flood gates open back up and it’s like I’m reliving their deaths all over again.
“I’m sorry.” His hands shake against my head as he holds me. “I’m going to kill him, Ivy. And your parent’s deaths, it wasn’t your fault. I hope you realize that.”
I shake my head. Talking about my parents is too painful. “It’s not soon enough. Every breath he takes is a moment too long.” I mumble against his chest.
“Every breath he has stolen from you, I will take from him. Every minute of your life he has taken from you, I will take from him. For you. His days are limited.”
I lean up, tears shining in my eyes and something heavy shining in my heart. I bend down and press my lips to his. “Thank you.” I breathe into him.
He says nothing, pulling me so I’m lying on top of him. He runs his hand down my back, lulling me into a dazed state. I listen to the heavy thumping of his heart and smell his citrusy smell surrounding him and me. Closing my eyes, I let him rock me to sleep to the lift and drop of his breaths.