Page 73 of Chaotic Anger
“Wow.” I say. “You look… wow.”
She smiles, her white teeth standing out against her red lips. “Halloween is my favorite holiday.”
“So, I’ve heard.” I say with wide eyes.
She shuts the door behind her, walking over to the bed and setting a plastic bag on it. “So, West talked to me about your little plan. I thought it was a good idea, although I had to make Charlie and a couple other guys finish the decorating. They better not have fucked it up. But I was able to run to the store and grab a few things…” She turns the bag upside down and spills the contents on the bed. “I thought that Lilah would like to be a princess for Halloween.”
“Oooooo.” Lilah comes up behind her and looks at the picture on the costume. “A princess?”
“Yeah. Look, I’ve got a dress and a crown. You even got some sparkly shoes to wear!” I tear up at what she’s done and the excitement on Lilah’s face. We never would have been able to celebrate if it wasn’t for Lilah. If it wasn’t for every single person in this club house.
Lilah grabs the bag. “Can I have it?”
“Well, let’s put it on first.” I say, unsnapping the top and pulling the small dress out. “Thank you, Violet. I don’t know what I can do to repay you.”
She waves me off. “It’s nothing. You guys being here is a dream. I always wanted a little sister.” She brushes Lilah’s hair out of her face. “And I always wanted a good friend.”
“Are there no other girls around that you get along with?” I frown at her. Violet is awesome. She seems like someone at my old school would have been the most popular girl and had all the friends. And there are girls here. Some I’ve seen multiple times. She has to get along with some of them, right?
She lifts her shoulders awkwardly, her usual laxness stiffening up uncomfortably. “No one lives around here. We have all this land… no one is over here. And at school, kids don’t really want to be friends with the girl who lives with a biker gang. And the girls that do come around… well, they’re just spineless sluts.” She chuckles humorlessly.
“Well, they’re stupid as hell. Because I think you’re awesome, and I want to be friends with you.” A thought comes to mind. “Where do you live, anyway? You don’t live in the clubhouse, do you?”
Violet shakes her head. “No, I live down the road with Haley.”
I nod. “Is it just you two? She’s kind of like a stand in mom for you then, huh?”
“More like an annoying aunt that won’t stop bothering you.” She laughs. “No, I love her. I lived with Lynx when I first moved here, he act as a father figure of sorts, since he’s raised a kid. But Haley thought that would ruin me for good, so she brought me to her house not long after I moved here.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re here. I don’t think I would have made it here this long without you.”
She cracks a smile, her red lips pulling up towards her small dimples. “Thanks, Ivy. I’m glad you’re here, too.”
“Me too.”
“Me too!” Lilah says, trying to pull the dress over her head.
“Hey, hold on. I don’t want you to rip it.” I pull it off her head and put it on correctly. It fits her well. The pink shiny dress is embellished with jewels and sparkles. It has puffy sleeves on her shoulders and the hem falls to her ankles. Violet grabs the extravagant tiara and places it on her head.
“Wow, look. It even has white gloves.” I slide them on her hands. The smooth, ivory satin slides up to her elbows.
“Don’t forget your shoes.” Violet kneels to slide the pink glittered shoes on her feet. There is a tiny heel and elastic to keep it secured on her feet.
“Wow! I’m a princess!” She twirls around in a circle, almost falling in the process. I grab her by the arm to stop her fall. I pick up the small pumpkin pale and hand it to her.
“You can put your candy in here. But we better get going before the party starts.” I say, nerves wracking my stomach again at the thought of the party tonight.
“We’ve got a little bit. But we should get going. Everyone is ready.” She leaves a second bag I didn’t notice before on the floor.
“What’s that?” I point to it.
She kicks it underneath the bed. “It’s your costume.”
“I don’t want to wear a costume.”
She freezes, looking at me like I just committed a hit and run. “Youare wearing a costume. We’ll go do this for Lilah, come back and get her to sleep, and then get you ready.”
I pout, seconds away from stomping my feet. “Do I have to?”