Page 81 of Chaotic Anger
She leans back. “You’ve been with her before, right? I could tell by how she was with you.”
I groan, running a hand down my face in frustration. “Ivy, she’s a fucking dumb Jessie that will sleep with anything that has a cock. Let it go.”I go in to kiss her again, but she pulls back.
“But you’ve slept with her, right?”
I roll my eyes. “Fucking yes. I have, okay?”
Her face wrinkles up like she’s got a bad taste in her mouth. “No, it’s not okay. Seriously, Aziel? She looks like a fucking prostitute. And I’ve slept with you! Oh, my God! Have you been tested? Do you have STDs? Do I have STDs now?Fuck!”
“Jesus, Ivy! No! I wrapped it up. With her and with you. I’m fucking clean. Who do you think I am?”
“Honestly, I feel like I don’t know you much at all!” She screams at me.
A pang hits in the center of my chest. “You know me better than anyone.” I grumble.
Her anger drains at this and she looks a little remorseful. “I’m sorry. I’m being a bitch. It’s just… really? That slut?”
I step away from her and turn around, giving her my back. “Fucking hell, Ivy. Give it the fuck up. You know I’m not a fucking saint. You want to keep dragging it out? Talk to the fucking wall about it. Because I’m over this shit.”
I don’t wait for a response, walking away and leaving her where I left her.I’m fucking pissed.I tried helping, I really did. What I mostly did was end up pissing her off more though. This is the exact reason why I never end up with girls. Why we don’t bring them into the club. Into our lives. All they do is start drama and skew up our minds into a clusterfuck.
I hear athump, which makes me pause. Then Ivy whimpers out anow. I turn around and see her rubbing the back of her head.
“Something hit me in the head.” She looks onto the ground, but it’s impossible to see anything in the dark. I slip my phone out of my pocket and turn my flashlight on, facing it towards the ground.
My eyes widen.
Ivy starts screaming at the top of her lungs.
There’s a fucking head laying on the inside of the gate near Ivy’s feet. She jumps away from it. It looks clean cut, straight through the neck. No body in sight, only the head lays severed, face down in the dirt.
“Is that a… is that a head?” Ivy panics, her voice shaky and terrified.
“Yeah.” I walk up to it, kicking it over gently so it lays face up.
Ivy starts screaming again.
“Oh my God. It’s Ms. Maria!” She starts sobbing as she falls to her knees. This time, her scream catches the attention of West. He yells to the others, and everyone starts walking this way to see what’s going on.
“Why?” She sobs. I pull her off the ground and away from the head.
“Shit.” Violet whispers. West steps in front of her to block the scene.
“Is there something in her mouth?” Jex says, bending over and pulling her jaw open. Ivy gags, and I snarl at Jex. What an idiot. This guy is literally a brick wall sometimes. “There is.” He pulls out a piece of paper that’s rolled up into a tiny scroll.
“What does it say?” I ask.
“I can’t read it. It’s in Spanish.” He sighs.
Ivy snatches it from his hand and reads it over. I watch her eyes trail from left to right, becoming more blank with each word. Once she’s finished, she starts over, reading it again. Then once more. She looks up at me with blank eyes and a pale face. “Fuck.” She looks wiped clean of all color and emotions. A beautiful colored painting left out in the rain.
“What does it say, Ivy?” I bend down and snatch it up. “What the fuck does it say?” I wave it in front of her face, panic and irritation beginning to boil over.
“Ivy, esto ha durado lo suficiente. Te has divertido. Ven a casa si quieres ver a estas personas para ver otro día. Si no vuelves a casa, esta gente soportará las muertes más brutales. Y sí, sé que dejaste que ese cabrón pusiera su polla dentro de ti. Tal vez lo mate de la misma manera que maté a tus padres...” She speaks in Spanish, staring at the ground as each word flows from her tongue like it was born there. Then her eyes glance up, locking onto mine with a fear so deep that chills crackle down my spine, each one digging to an almost painful depth. “Ivy, this has gone on long enough. You have had your fun. Come home if you want to see these people to see another day. If you do not come home, these people will endure the most brutal deaths. And yes, I know you let that fucker put his cock inside of you. Maybe I will kill him in the same fashion I killed your parents...” She translates.
She lets out a heavy breath, tears streaming down her cheeks in a steady stream, falling onto her black dress. “I want to kill him, Aziel. I want to drain him of every last drop and watch as he dries up. I want him to plead for salvation, and I want to laugh in his face while he does it.”
Her words, rasped out as her emotions run high. I grab her around the shoulders and pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her and holding her tight. “We’ll leave tonight. By tomorrow night, he will be nothing but a memory.”