Page 91 of Chaotic Anger
“You liked it, and you will pay for it.” Santiago whispers in my ear as the door opens. Everyone slips out, leaving me alone in the bathroom. I stare at the wall for I don’t know how long, gazing at the dark brown walls and wishing I would sink into them, disappearing into the murky texture and fade away into nothingness.
As I stareat the same brown wall, I think about that night. About how I was whipped so badly on my backside that I couldn’t sit down on my right side for a week. How I got whipped so badly, there was a three-inch laceration that required stitches. How Santiago told me if I were to ever orgasm from another man, he would kill me and hang me near the shops in Tijuana to let anyone do with me that they saw fit.
I wipe my face, getting off the toilet and quickly washing my hands. The last thing I need is Aziel to come searching for me.
I open the door, and it’s the voice that echoes down the hall that simultaneously freezes my body and melts my mind.
“They are coming, and she will be with them. Get her. Kill them all.” Santiago lashes. I close the door, leaving it open only a crack so I can still hear.
“What about everyone else? Do we alert them?” The voice that sounds like Santiago’s right hand man, Mateo, says to Santiago. His voice sounds irritated and urgent.
“No.” Santiago lashes out. I can imagine his hand swiping through the air, like he wants to make the thought disappear altogether. “Get Ivy. The rest…do what you will. I suppose it’s up to Día de los Muertos.”
Their conversation ends and I can hear the familiar tapping of Santiago’s heels as he walks towards me. I close the door even further, leaving only enough room for my eye to peek out.
I hold my breath, his familiar Versace cologne curling into my senses. The smell makes me nauseous. I much more prefer the man that smells like cigarettes, outdoors, and motorcycles.
Santiago pauses just in my line of sight, looking out into the great room in front of him. He is a handsome man, with his tall, slender body and dark features. His hair is styled to the side, his hair dark, and the beginnings of some gray teasing around his ears. His dark brown eyes are almost black, and his jaw is smooth and clean just as always. His tailored suit fits his body like a glove, from his shoulders down to his ankles.
He stiffens a bit, looking over his shoulder and staring at the bathroom. As if he can sense me. He turns around, shifting his body to come inside. A curious look is on his face as he reaches for the doorknob.
My heart jumps into my throat, and breathing is impossible at the thought of Santiago finding me. I claw at my neck, needing the air that seems to have vacuumed from this room. I watch as the doorknob turns and open my mouth to release a silent scream.
“Santiago. They’re here. A couple of them are down the streets.” Mateo says quickly.
Santiago spins away from the door. “How do you know?”
“Their bikes. I would know them anywhere.”
Santiago nods. “Let’s do this.”
Santiago and Mateo quickly walk away. I give myself a few seconds, then open the door and rush back into the main room.
“Hey.” I whisper.
Aziel stands up, worry all over his face. “I was about to come find you. Where the hell have you been?” He looks me over, looking for even a hair out of place.
“I’m fine.” I shake my head. “No, I’m not fine. I saw Santiago.”
His eyes widen, the black paint around his eyes stretching in concern. “What? What happened?”
“He didn’t see me.” He sinks back into his chair, his relief palpable. “But he almost did. He was talking to one of his guards. They know we’re here. They saw our bikes. They are looking for us, Aziel. We have to leave, now.”
He stands up, grabbing my hand and we make a break for the back terrace. We rush past waitstaff and guests, rushing out through the opened doors and people talking on the back patio. We head into the grass, where the light is sparse. I know these grounds like the back of my hand, though, and as we rush through the backyard, I take the lead and rush towards the gate. It’s tall, over six feet for sure, but I think with Aziel we will be able to climb over it.
“Let’s use this tree.” Aziel points to it and I stop, nodding in agreement.
“Good idea.” I breathe.
“Go first. I’m right behind you.” He pushes me towards the tree, urgency in his tone and touch.
I grab onto the rough branch above me, gripping the jagged bark as it digs into my palms.
I hear a grunt and then hands grab me around the waist. “My little Ivy. Oh, how I’ve missed you.” My body locks up as I’m placed on the grass and spun around to face my very own devil.
“Santiago.” I breathe.
He looks furious, devastation and betrayal clear in his eyes. “You have been a bad, bad, girl, Ivy.”