Page 13 of Room Nineteen
I can’t do anything but groan and send up a silent prayer to the powers that be.
Kelsey will be the death of me.
“There’s no way Reid is going to wait,” I tell Devon before climbing back into the bed.
We haven’t stepped foot out of this room since arriving this afternoon. It has been absolute torture. I never mind waiting, but this time is worse.
Devon has brought me to the edge repeatedly over the course of the day, only allowing me to leave the bed to go to the bathroom, and has arranged for our meals to be brought to us. He’s on edge, but I can’t figure out why.
I thought that Reid sharing his discovery about Kelsey’s feelings would help the tension running through him, diminishing his need to torture me with pleasure, but it’s had the exact opposite effect.
“He’s going to have to,” Devon responds, bringing a glass of amber liquid to his lips. “Everything needs to be perfect.”
I love Devon, but sometimes his need for control can be confusing.
“Everything is as good as it’s going to get, babe.” I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him back to my chest. “What’s really bothering you, Devon?”
He grips my forearm. “What if it’s too much?”
“The club? Us? Our specific brand of lovemaking?” I rest my chin on his shoulder, waiting patiently for him to tell me what he’s thinking.
“All of it,” he grumbles, pulling my arm from around his shoulders. “She says she wants the three of us, but what does she know about anything? She never goes out or does anything remotely dangerous at school. What if all of this is too much?”
“According to Reid, Kelsey has wanted a chance with us for years.” I open my mouth to say more, but he cuts me off.
“Yes, but I doubt Kelsey imagined being with three men, two of whom are in a relationship with each other. What if that isn’t what she wants for her life?”
I stop and ponder what he’s saying for a minute.
Kelsey isn’t breakable. Being a military brat, it kind of comes with the territory. From what we can tell, her father cares more about his career than her. The three of us can give her everything she ever wanted and more, but we need to make a move.
“You can’t keep planning for her to leave. Focus on giving her a reason to stay,” I tell him, knowing that if we push Kelsey away, she will put us all in the same category as her father.
I wait for Devon to respond, but get nothing.
“Are you ashamed of us? Is that why you’re so afraid to say anything to Kelsey? Because of me?” I climb off the bed, heading over to the small bar in the corner. I’m going to need a drink to handle the rest of our conversation.
“No, never.” He answers without hesitation, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I love you. I love everything about our relationship, but I also love Kelsey.”
I shake my head, throwing back my entire glass and pouring another. “Wealllove Kelsey, Devon.”
“I know, and that’s what worries me.”
“We all love Kelsey. That’s a fact. But does Kelsey love all of us?”
I open my mouth to reply, but he pinches my lips together.
“I know what she told Reid, but attraction and love are two totally different things. I love you, but I could give two shits about any other man that crosses my path.”
“Okay…” I trail off, not understanding what direction he’s trying to take with this conversation.
“It’s because it’s you.” Devon kisses my cheek before threading his fingers through mine and leading me toward the bed. “You’rethe only man I’ve been with that I’ve ever loved.”