Page 15 of Room Nineteen
After I dodged all her calls for the last three days, Willow showed up on my doorstep, demanding I get out of the house and spend some time with her. I immediately felt guilty for shutting her out and showered quickly, pulled on the first thing I could find, and followed her out the door.
“You’d be in a shitty mood too if one of the men of your dreams finally made a move, only to backtrack almost immediately,” I huff, stuffing another French fry into my mouth.
I know Reid said there are things about them I don’t know, and I’m sure that’s true, but could anything be that bad? I highly doubt that they’re murderers or criminals. They’re decorated Marines, for goodness’ sake! There’s no way I’m going to turn them away. Especially because I know they feel the same about me.
“One of the men?” Willow questions, leaning forward in her seat. “What happened between you and Reid the other night?”
“You expect me to kiss and tell,” I mumble, my cheeks heating with embarrassment.
I’ve never hidden my feelings for my three Marines, especially from Willow, but now that I’ve had a few moments with one of them, I want to keep it to myself. I want to protect the few moments we spent together because I have a feeling that they’ll be my last. Just a distant memory I can look back on when I get older, wishing that things could’ve been different between the four of us.
“I see the wheels turning in your head, Kels. There could be a million reasons they haven’t called.”
I’m sure there’s a perfectly logical reason not one of them has called. But why did Reid pour his heart out to me, begging me to give all three of them a chance? Why did he leave my house with nothing but a gentle kiss on the cheek and a devilish smirk?
But tell my heart that.
Right now, I feel nothing but heartbreak.
“Give me one.” I roll my eyes, grabbing another fry off my plate.
“I still have no idea what the hell those three could be afraid of.” I throw my hands up in the air before crossing them over my chest. “He said something about them having some big secret that I don’t know about.”
“Do you think it’s about Devon and Spencer being together?”
Devon and Spencer being an item is the worst-kept secret in the battalion, at least to anyone who’s been paying attention. Those two orbit around each other in a way that they write romance novels about. It’s possible that the idea of adding another person to the mix was enough.
I’ve pictured the two of them going at it, their moans of pleasure filling the room before they beckoned me to come join them. It’d be selfish of me to ask them to end their relationship for me, but maybe their reason is just that. They chose each other, giving up any chance for us to be happy together.
“And how does Reid fit into all of this? Do you think they’re all in a relationship?”
I pause for a moment, wondering the same thing. I’ve seen Reid with many women, but never for more than a few weeks before he moved on. He’s had a different girl on his arm at each function. Maybe it was all a facade, wanting to keep the homophobes out of their business. We all know the military is full of them. All it would take is one bad word about any of them making a pass at someone to end their military careers.
“Maybe. Maybe they decided adding someone else to the mix would be a bad idea,” I mumble as I watch our server, Blaine, slink toward our table.
“Whoever made you doubt yourself is insane.”
I jump at the sound of his voice coming from beside me.
“OMG!” Willow whispers behind her hand. “He’s totally hitting on you.”
I flash him a shy smile. “Can I get another Diet Coke, please?”
“Diet Coke?” he questions. “Isn’t today your birthday? How about I grab you a beer or a glass of wine?”
“No, I’m good, but thanks for the offer,” I respond quickly, causing Willow to giggle.
The last thing I need is Blaine thinking he has a chance with me. I know it’d be easier just to move on from pining after three men who may or may not have feelings for me. But there is something holding me back. There always has been. Even after them giving me the cold shoulder for the last three days, I can’t let them go. I need to know if they really could be mine.
“I’ll just go grab that Diet Coke for you.” Blaine slinks back toward the kitchen, his shoulders slumped in defeat.
“You just broke that poor boy’s heart,” Willow motions over her shoulder toward Blaine’s retreating form.
“He’ll be fine. I doubt he thought past trying to get a bigger tip.”
“You’re so blind.” Willow shakes her head, tossing a French fry at me. “You don’t see anyone other than Devon, Spencer, and Reid. Hell, I had to beat down your door to spend time with you.”