Page 6 of Monstrous Lies
Itrack them through the city, the blonde’s voice and steps echoing around the still slumbering giants of the once perfect skyscrapers—a call to those who are awake. Luckily, I am the only one about at this time of day, and no hunters, guards, or spies from the other sectors would dare step foot in my kingdom, so I know I’m alone and the humans trekking in the city above are safe.
I’ve seen her before, the redhead. She has hair the colour of sunlight entwined with blood. I’ve tracked her and stalked her. She’s become my obsession. I keep her safe from a distance, guarding her from my brethren and any creature who would do her harm.
She’s a human from beyond the wall. I found her entrance once, and now I often wait there, wondering when she will come back. She’s the most interesting thing in this city—so brave, sure, and adventurous. Once, she almost fell from the top of a building as she leaped between them, her quiet laugh making my lips curl up, even as I prepared to leave the darkness and catch her if she slipped.
She makes my dark, hungry heart pound in both hunger and exhilaration.
She’s brave, coming back here time and time again, and she never seems scared or unsure. No, she wanders through my streets like she owns them, and I guess she does, since I, the leader of the horde, protect her from afar. Not that my minions know, as they know nothing of my human. I usually tell them everything, as a good leader does, because I trust them, but not with her—not with my dark little secret and the hunger I carry for her.
They are our enemies, the reason we exist and are trapped.
Yet here I am, concerned as she climbs onto the edge of the roof, flouting danger. I move forward to get a better look at her as she turns her face to the sun. Her lips are pursed, making my cock stir and harden, which it only does for her. I must jerk from the force of holding back the stirrings, because the window ledge crumbles and falls to the ground below, making a noise.
I dart back into the shadows of the building like she can see me, even though I know she can’t, but her shrewd, narrow eyes scan the buildings and streets surrounding me, searching for the source of the quiet rock slide below. She’s a good hunter. Even now, as she’s talking to her companion, her eyes never stop moving and her body is stiff and prepared. This one, unlike the slow blonde, is a fighter.
She is also strong for a human, which is surprising.
She’s never brought anyone with her before. I find myself wondering why now and why she chose someone who is so clearly inept.
I ache to trace her face like the sun does, and when she stands and stretches, showing her muscles and toned body, I feel jealous of the wind that gets to caress those curves.
When they begin to move again, I follow, sticking to the darkness, the buildings, and hiding spaces. My eyes are on her the entire time, watching, waiting, and keeping her safe.
Something in the air makes me stiffen though. Today feels different, and before the sun sets, I have a feeling I will find out why.
I hope my little human is ready.
“So why do you want to go to this place?” I finally ask, scanning everything. For some reason, the space between my shoulder blades is burning and I’m on edge. Usually I’d go quieter, probably find somewhere to hide and observe, but that’s not possible. We need to keep moving so we can get back before nightfall, so instead, I try to distract her from worrying as I watch the area.
“Erm,” she hedges.
“We’ve established that I don’t really care.” I grin at her before darting my gaze around us.
“They want a certain part of the research. I have the map of the labs and the codes—”
I stop her, and she asks loudly, “What the…”
“Shh,” I hiss, keeping my arm out to block her as I narrow my eyes on the alley. I could have sworn I saw movement in it a second ago.
“Oh my god. What is it, a monster?”
“It was probably a wild animal,” I tell her. “You can never be too careful here. Let’s just keep moving. Whatever it is, it’s been tracking us for a while, so I don’t think they mean us any harm,” I lie. It’s true, they have, but they could just be herding us into their kill spot for all I know.
“Oh,” she whispers, but her eyes are wide and she’s breathing fast, and I can almost smell her fear souring the air. Great. She’s basically an all-you-can-eat buffet for a wild animal.
I squeeze her arm and tug her after me, starting to walk again, but this time, I remain quiet so I can listen carefully for any tell-tale signs of attack. She gulps and scans our surroundings without really noticing anything, reacting more out of instinct.
“The labs are underground?” I question after we have walked for another twenty minutes with no sign of attack.
“I believe they are hidden under their head research facility.”
“Hidden?” I snort. “What weird shit were they doing?”