Page 65 of Monstrous Lies
I’m going to kill them.
They have been hurting an innocent fucking kid. “I know, buddy. My name is Aria, what’s yours?”
His head cocks and his eyes widen as he stares at me, wrapping his little hands around the bars. A tiny tail swipes in agitation behind him. “They are coming. Mummy always stays quiet, she says it’s best that way. I hope you survive, Aria. I really want to go see my daddy with you.”
My heart stops, and I look at the door. A few seconds later, I hear their feet coming this way.
My new friend scurries to the back of his cage and curls into a ball to make himself as small and invisible as possible. I know that feeling. I did it so many times as a kid on the streets.
For all my bravado, terror rolls through me, but I swallow it back as a different set of scientists hurry inside without even looking at me. One spares the kid a glance and rolls his eyes before kicking the cage and moving on. I track that one carefully, knowing he’ll be dead first.
“Want me to spread my legs and think of Jesus?” I joke, but none of them respond. They lean over a tablet, looking at something and whispering, and then Baldie, the one who kicked the cage, turns his gaze towards me.
“I do wonder what attracts them to their mates. Is it pheromonal? A natural instinct? Can they have more than one?” he murmurs, and then he meets my eyes. “Please describe in detail what happened when you met subject 10.”
“Subject 10? He’ll love that. Though he is a ten out of ten, so what can I say?”
“Please describe in detail,” he responds with a frown, “or I will have to encourage you to speak.”
“Encourage? Is that a nice word for—Motherfucker!” An electric shock races through my body, shaking me like a fish on the table until the current stops and I sag, panting.
“Please describe—”
“Yeah, I get it, fucking robot man,” I spit. “Want me to describe how he fucks too—” I scream as the current gets stronger, but when it’s over, I narrow my eyes on him. “Well, first we did it missionary—” I bite back my howl of pain, knowing if Akuji hears it, he will go crazy, not to mention I can hear the little kid whimpering. He doesn’t need any more trauma, so I suppress it.
When it’s through, I notice the other two scientists are watching me now. “Tell me,” Baldie demands, dropping the pleasantries.
“He knew,” I hiss. “I didn’t. He called me his mate. Said he knew on sight.”
“So it could be biological, sight or smell, or it could simply be choice—the most attractive mate with the attributes they need. How interesting. While you were across the wall, did you see anyone with more than one mate or any who lost a mate and found another?”
“I don’t know,” I spit, not giving them anything that’s not in regard to me. I won’t help them hurt these people, even if it gets me hurt in the process. I remind myself that they need me alive and pain is temporary, even as the volts jolt through my body, tearing a scream from my throat. When it’s over, I close my eyes for a moment, exhausted.
“Sir, we need her—”
“She will answer my question!” he yells, and the man is quiet for a moment.
“Sir, she might not know the answers, but she’s the only successful mated couple we have here. We need her alive.” His voice is softer, unsure, but for a moment, I want to cry and thank him before I realise he’s not doing it to be kind.
“Fine, we will question her another day. Get the samples and readings I need. I believe the mating is already changing her body—”
“Changing my body?” I demand, opening my eyes.
He looks down at me with a frown. “You did not know?”
“Know what?” I demand.
“The mating between a monster and a human seems to alter the human’s body to make them more compatible to survive the birthing process.”
“Alter how?” I question. I’m surprised he’s answering me, because he seems interested in my lack of awareness.
“So far, we have noticed slight changes in your blood and in the lining of your womb. Others are debating if it will alter your speed, strength, and eyesight, all characteristics from your mate. We do not know what will happen or if it will be permanent, but I cannot wait to see when you get pregnant. I can document every inch…” He trails off, his eyes alight with excitement, and I feel sick.
I’m changing?
Am I still human?
Do I care?