Page 5 of Baby Daddies
“Could be,” I shrug, “She already has a job right now.”
According to her resume, the girl had worked for the last three years as a server at a casual-dining place. But I remember, from my own experience, just how unreliable tips can be as a consistent flow of income.
“If we make her a good enough offer, maybe we can change that,” Dustin says.
Dustin makes pretty damn good money at Brand Slam Designs, especially since helping them land an account with a national supermarket chain, working on the new logos and other marketing for their re-brand.
And when it comes to Brianna’s needs, money’s no object to him. He’s got a large savings account in place for her, most of which came from Sarah’s life insurance.
“She says she can do an interview with us anytime today,” I pass him the phone so he can look at everything, too, “Elaine’s not bringing Brie back for another hour and a half, maybe we can see if we can squeeze her in?”
He reads over everything and nods. “CPR and first aid certified, plus anaphylaxis training…” he mumbles.
“Does Brianna have any allergies?” I ask, wracking my brain for any mention of anything that I might be forgetting.
“Not that I know of, but still, you never know. She sounds promising,” he hands me back my phone, “She included her number, we could call her.”
“Probably faster than trying to e-mail,” I nod, highlighting the number in the e-mail so I could copy and paste it to dial.
It rings twice before a feminine voice answers. “Hello?”
“Hi, is this Ava Grant?”
“Yes, this is she.”
“Hi, Ava, my name is Rudy Morales, you replied to my nanny ad?”
“Oh, yes, Mr. Morales, hi!”
“Please, Rudy’s fine,” I chuckled, “Listen, I know it’s last-minute, but do you think you might be able to swing by to talk to us for a few minutes this afternoon?”
“Absolutely,” she replies without hesitation, “Just let me know where to meet you and I can be there in the time it takes to drive.”
I grin. “Well, I appreciate you being so accommodating,” I give her our address and she promises that she’s only about ten minutes away and she’ll be here in a flash.
“No need to rush it. We’ll look forward to meeting you whenever you get here,” I assure her, then the two of us hang up.
“She sounded like she was already heading out the door when we hung up,” I tell Dustin, “Is that a good thing?”
“Eager seems good,” he replies with a shrug.
“Eager, or desperate?”
“Babe,” Dustin rolls his eyes at me slightly, “Quit trying to judge her from a two-minute phone conversation. She’ll get here when she gets here and we’ll see for ourselves.”
I nod. “She sounded sweet,” I admit, “Maybe a little eager to please, but you’re probably right about eager being a good thing.”
“Exactly. So let’s just wait and see how it goes, and if she’s a dud, we call Tracey and at least we’re covered for this week, one way or another, ok?”
I nod. I like having backup plans in place, and while I’m not sure I like the idea of any of the people we’ve met today as Brianna’s full-time, permanent nanny, I can deal with Tracey doing the task for the week while we hunt down the right fit.
So, with at least the nagging worry of tomorrow off my chest, I gear up to meet Ava Grant and see if she’s what we’ve been looking for.
Chapter Three
My heart races as I pull into the driveway of the address I’d been given. The house before me is enough to make me glad that my little Toyota doesn’t look like the beater it is. The car is over ten years old, but I work pretty hard to keep it in decent shape.