Page 26 of Something Merry
“You’re allowed to like him, you know,” I tell him, “You’re allowed to make friends.”
“I know that,” he says.
I want to say more, but before I get the chance, Chip returns, not with a single album, but with a whole box. “I found some other stuff I kinda wanted to show you, so I said the hell with it and just grabbed this whole box. I’ve got a few more, but this is a good chunk of my collection.”
Brendon joins me on the couch and Chip sits on his other side, plunking the box at their feet and flipping through until he retrieves the signed album he’d been talking about. “Here it is, my pride and joy,” he says, holding it out to Brendon.
“Wow,” Brendon sets down his glass and takes the album in both hands gingerly, like he’s holding a delicate, priceless treasure.
Although, with my lack of knowledge of the vinyl world and the fact that it’s autographed, maybe it actually is.
But despite my lack of knowledge on the subject, listening to the two of them sharing the passion is still oddly compelling, I could listen to them talk for hours.
I notice some familiar artwork as Chip is flipping through the box and I halt him. “Oh, wait, hang on, go back to that last one?”
“This?” he asks, flipping back to it and pulling it from the box.
“I actually know that one, that was one of my dad’s favorite albums,” I inform him with a smile, “Although I remember him having it on CD.”
“We could give it a listen if you want,” Chip offers.
I hesitate, worried that the familiar tracks might put a black cloud of grief over the pleasant mood of the evening. And Chip seems to understand, slipping it back into the box. “Or not, let’s see if I can find something in here neither one of you has ever heard before.”
I flash him a grateful smile. While I’m sure there’ll be a great moment for me to go back and listen to those songs again, I’d rather keep things light tonight.
So Chip sets off on his mission to introduce Brendon and I to someone new, which proves to be a challenge. His and Brendon’s tastes are so alike that their collections are almost eerily similar.
But finally, he finds something that Brendon doesn’t recognize, and puts it on for us to appreciate.
It’s nice, and I find myself swaying in my seat a bit to the music. Chip notices and offers me a hand. “May I have this dance?” he asks.
I give Brendon a quick glance to gauge his reaction. If there’s any jealousy there, he manages to completely hide it from me, all I see is a smile and he gives me a little nod of encouragement.
I take Chip’s hand and he spins me around his living room a little. The moves aren’t anything like he’s been teaching us, since that wouldn’t quite mesh with the mood of the music, but with him leading, I find it doesn’t particularly matter that I don’t know the steps.
After a while, Brendon cuts in, and I alternate dancing between the two, spending some time focused on one until he twirls me off to the other. They seem to be having fun passing me back and forth.
At least until I decide to mix things up. At a point where I’m expecting Brendon to twirl me and pass me over to Chip, I turn it around on him, instead handing him over to the other partner and leaving the two men to dance with each other.
And gamely, they play along, although Brendon struggles a little bit with not leading. Just like before, seeing the two of them together stirs weird feelings in me. I didn’t understand what was so fucking attractive about it, but it just did something to me that I couldn’t fathom, let alone explain.
I should feel jealous, right? Seeing another person’s hands on my partner should piss me off, whether they’re male or female. Although admittedly I’ve never really been a horribly jealous person. But then again, I really haven’t ever had much reason to be.
My mind is telling me that jealousy would be the normal reaction, or that I should be in some way bothered, but I find myself wanting to encourage it, to watch them go further.
Brendon spins back to me and pulls me close. His cheeks are a little red and he seem a little more out of breath than I’m expecting. I glance down, and as I suspected, I can see the outline of his hard cock pressed against his pants.
So maybe I’m not the only one turned on by this scenario after all.
My head spins a little, and I wonder if it’s the wine or just pure arousal. Crazy thoughts are running through my mind, and I don’t know what to make of them.
I’d never given much thought to the idea of a threesome of any kind. I’m not really interested in other women that way, so that scenario doesn’t hold much appeal for me. But now that I’m here with two very attractive men who seem to share a connection…I can’t seem to shake the idea.
I’d been trying not to think about it, but the possibility had been creeping around the back of my mind ever since the first moment I saw the two of them dancing together.
I may not be a jealous person, but am I really comfortable with the prospect of sharing my boyfriend with someone else?
The more I think about it, the more I’m thinking that no, I wouldn’t just be comfortable with someone else.