Page 13 of Waiting
Not everyone has the same tastes in people or food or music, and that’s an amazing thing about this world.
At least to me.
“Uh-huh,” she sassily snips and points to the cabinet behind me. “Mug.”
A good-natured laugh is given. “Jódete, coño.”
The response to being playfully told to piss off gets a similar one in a different tongue. “Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat.”
Gabby snickers at the old Irish phrase she knows so well, shakes her head, and sighs. “Por favor?”
I grab her the closest chipped mug while sporting an amused smirk.
One of the best parts of speaking three languages is being able to insult people in just as many. The only thing better is reserved for the bedroom or for the route to get there.
“So, was the shit like hard to get?” She asks as she transfers the cup from my possession to hers. “Did she not wanna give you her number, and you had to turn up the accent charm from an eight to a ten?”
Grinning wide instantly occurs.
“You know that shit turns us into fucking putty. It can make even the strongest chick loving chick consider bending, primo.”
“Don’t say that shite too loud.” I teasingly tilt my head to one side. “The last thing I need is for Big T to hear it. She already hates me.”
“She doesn’t hate you,” Gabby insists on another push of a button. “She just hates that I live with you because to her all men are raping, racist, misogynists determined to control a woman by any means necessary.”
Horror immediately replaces humor.
“Typically, she just channels all that hate into tongue fucking the shit out of me.” My best mate beams up at me proudly. “Works out perfect for everyone.”
“Everyone?” the echoed retort is given on a small snigger. “How does that work out for me exactly?”
“Stop being so fucking literal,” she impishly scolds prior to switching subjects. “And back to the hottie with an older body-”
“Nothing about Harper is old.”
The bite in my comeback causes her to dramatically gasp. “Is that alpha dick shit, I’m sensing?” Her theatrical ways continue. “Did your balls finally finish dropping so now I’m hearing a bit of bass in that mixed boy voice?”
“You are bloody ridiculous.”
“And you are bloody smitten,” she mocks with a terrible Irish accent.
Fuck, I am.
Like the schoolboy who got that golden ticket to the chocolate factory in that old movie.
My God, Harper is chocolate.
I want her in my mouth and melting on my tongue. And melting on my fingers for me to then lick off one by one. I wanna have a nibble to tease my senses, play tricks on them, give them the tiniest taste, and then briefly take it away before completely devouring her bite after bite until I reach a point of satiation I’ve never felt in my entire life.
I wanna make a fucking mess.
On the couch.
On the floor.
My bed.