Page 25 of Forbidden Professor
What the hell is she up to?
What do you mean?I respond.Are you ok?
Chloe shifts beside me, unimpressed with my sudden interest in my phone. She leans into me, her hand climbing its way up my thigh and her lips leaving a seductive trail down my throat. I try to resist her, but my body is so confused. My mind is on Aly once again, wanting her touch instead of Chloe’s. Though all I have at the moment is Chloe, a woman well within my reach and not in danger of ruining us both.
I need you here with me.
I freeze. She can’t be in her right mind. I start to text back, but another message rolls in.
I want you now. Inside me.
My cock rises to the occasion like a faithful soldier ready to act on command. I inhale one steadying breath, closing my eyes to imagine anything else than being inside Aly McKenzie. Her body naked beneath mine, my hands over her breasts, her wet pussy tight around my cock. I groan.
She has to be drunk. Out of her mind. Something. There’s no way she would send me these messages.
Where are you?I write. Damn it.
San Francisco.
A sigh of relief washes over me. She isn’t far. Which means I could potentially reach her before she mistakes some other man for me and fucks his brains out. The thought lodges in my chest like an anchor. Though I know it isn’t fair to expect it, I don’t want to think of her with someone else.
I’m about to ask where in San Francisco when the thought bubble on my phone forms another message.
The Blue Indigo.
That’s only a couple blocks away. I jump down from the barstool. Chloe nearly topples forward and out of her own chair.
“Another time, maybe,” I say and rush out the door.
Chapter Ten
After a ten-minute cab ride, I make it to the entrance of the Blue Indigo.
A Goliath-sized man guards the entrance, his arms intertwined against his chest like two enormous anacondas suffocating their prey. His shoulders cover the expanse of the doorway, with his head cresting the top door jamb. I’m six feet two, and even I feel small in comparison to this behemoth. I approach the door, ignoring this colossus and the line of people waiting to get into the club.
“Where do you think you’re going, sir?” the giant says. His voice sounds like something used to animate a cartoon warlord.
“I need to get in there,” I explain. “My friend, I think she’s sick.”
The bouncer shows no emotion whatsoever. His eyes aren’t even looking at me. If he hadn’t spoken to me directly, I would have assumed he hadn’t seen me at all. “Man, if I had a dime for every time I heard that one.”
“Look, it’s real. I just need to make sure she’s alright.”And not making out with some random stranger.
“You can wait in line with everyone else.”
I sigh.
At least it’s somewhat comforting to know that not everyone in this town knows who I am. Only this time, it’s actually more inconvenient than it is endearing. Is he going to make me do this? Am I going to have to play that do-you-know-who-I-am card? The last thing I want to do is prick up any ears and end up in the tabloids with one of my students. I can see the headline now:Hawthorne Heir Caught Liquoring Up His Student in Late Night Prowl.
But I have to get to Aly. There’s no telling what trouble she could be in, while I’m out here contemplating whether I want to stoop to using my connections and wealth.
“Is Lionel still the owner?” I ask finally.
“I dunno, man,” Goliath says without looking at me. “I just show up when they need someone.”
It’s worth a try. Lionel owns half the clubs in San Francisco. I’m pretty sure he’s mentioned this one once or twice. It takes a two-minute phone conversation and another minute of my time convincing Lionel not to fire Goliath on the spot before the door swings open and I’m allowed through.