Page 22 of Forbidden Doctor
He was kissing me.
It wasn’t deep; it wasn’t urgent. It was light and gentle. The kind of kiss that said there would be time for explanations. Then, we were separate people again, and we were almost running up to the OR.
He had a life to save.
* * *
Everything was successful.
It was a really phenomenal operation to watch, and with my eyes trained on the genius that was Adrian Price, I could only consider myself lucky that I had the honor of holding open a body cavity while he inserted a 50cc SynCardia artificial heart into the youngest patient ever seen.
Jasmine was in recovery, and while Kayla was informed of the success, I stood on the sidelines and basked in the joy and excitement emanating from everyone. She wasn’t out of the woods, not by a long shot, but the surgery had been a success, her new heart beat in her chest, and she had a new chance at life.
I took a moment to consider Adrian’s kiss, and as much as it had been a mistake that could never be repeated, it had also been the one thing I’d needed to pull me back from the edge. All I knew for sure was that if he hadn’t done that, I probably would have missed the most important operation I might ever lay my eyes on. I felt like there was electricity in my veins: from the surgery, from the kiss, and from my own elation at being alive. A shadow still lurked from the earlier events of the day, but I couldn’t dwell, wouldn’t dwell.
“Dr. Christophers, could I have a word, please?” A deep voice asked.
I turned and the smile fell from my face immediately. My father stood behind me, his hands clasped in front of him and his face serious. Whatever he wanted from me couldn’t be a good thing. Refusing to deny him and risk a scene when Kayla was sobbing tears of joy and hugging Adrian, I followed my father as he led me back to his office.
The office itself was as bare and impersonal as my own apartment. I definitely hadn’t got that trait from my clutter-loving mother. My father strode over to his desk and sat in the comfortable chair there and gestured for me to sit in the visitor’s seat opposite. Nothing like a little father-daughter closeness. I would have sighed if I didn’t already expect it.
“I’ve heard a lot of positive feedback from the hospital regarding your performance,” my father began. “They say you’re diligent, tireless, and keep your patients’ best interests at the forefront of your decision-making.”
I just nodded, knowing he would let me know when he wanted me to speak.
“I understand you’re currently on rotation in the cardiothoracic department and have also worked in the ER as support staff.”
I nodded again, only to confirm what he already knew was true.
“There is only one matter that concerns me, Stephanie, and I thought it better to discuss it in private than create a topic of gossip. After all, it is only because of gossip that I am even aware of this in the first place.” He took a deep breath and fixed me with the same penetrating gaze that could make children cry. “Your relationship with Dr. Price has been growing increasingly unprofessional, and I need to know that I can trust you to maintain a professional working environment. Aside from the way it will reflect badly on the hospital, it is not conducive to a healing atmosphere when all the associated drama begins cropping up.”
I raised my eyebrows, and finally, he nodded at me—my signal to speak.
“Dr. Price and I are friends,” I stated. “Wasn’t that what you wanted from your little brunch?”
“That meeting was so you could get to know the people that will one day be your colleagues—ifyou conduct yourself appropriately now.”
“I just think it’s rich for you to lecture me on relationships when I’m the product of all the drama that’s inconducive to a healing atmosphere.”
A vein in his forehead jumped, and I knew I had to be careful about what I said.
“People are talking, Stephanie, about how you two sit together, eat together. How you twotalk. They’re accusing you of-offlirtingwith each other!”
“Oh no! Not friendly flirting!” I gasped.
“You need to take this more seriously,” he growled. “If anyone thinks that you are receiving special treatment because of how you act, your reputation could—”
“Excuse me?” I cut him off. “My reputation is what you’re worried about? No, I’m sorry, I refuse to believe that. I think you’re really worried aboutyourreputation. About what it would look like if history was caught repeating itself and everyone knew how you threw my mother under the bus!”
I stood, suddenly very angry. I had always been angry with him, but he had thegallto accuse me of potentially ruining my reputation?
“I need to return to work now,Father, but rest assured, there is no need for the staff to concern themselves with Dr. Price and I. Because it isn’t any of yours, or theirs, goddamn business!”
I stepped outside of the room, shutting the door a little harder than necessary and definitely breathing harder than necessary.
I took a moment to collect myself before I was stalking down the hallway, heading determinedly for Adrian’s office.
Chapter Ten