Page 61 of Forbidden Cowboy
I cupped my hands around the belly between us, and she looked away.
“This body is keeping our children safe and sound until they’re ready for the world,” I said quietly. “How could I love you or this body of yours any less?”
She pressed forward, kissing me again, wrapping her arms around my waist.
“This is very romantic,” she said. “And I appreciate it, but I need you to touch me before I explode.”
I chuckled, and she gave me a serious look.
“Right you are,” I said obediently.
I slid one hand down the front of her jeans, and straight past the barrier of her underwear.
“You’re this wet for me already?”
“I told you I was going to explode,” she all but growled. “So please, justtouch me.”
I trailed a finger over that sensitive bundle of nerves like she obviously wanted, and the gasp she let out was almost a surprised one. I guessed she was more sensitive now, and she’d already been very reactive to my touch before.
She was the one to unhook her bra and let it join her shirt on the floor, and she was the one to pull my shirt off of me, some feral need going haywire in her eyes. She wasn’t going to let me take this slow, but that was fine. We had all the time in the world together. I wasn’t letting her go again, so I knew I would have the time to explore her body, to get to know every aspect of her.
She was shoving my jeans off of my hips before I had a chance to register it.
“Don’t you want to move to my bedroom?” I asked.
“The idea of lying down for this is not a positive one,” she answered simply. “I need you, now.”
I nodded, and held her by the hips as she turned and bent over, bracing her arms on the chair in front of her. I didn’t know when her jeans had come off, but they were gone and she was breathing heavily in front of me, waiting.
I wanted a damn oil painting of the sight in front of me. I could see her folds, glistening with need in the low light of the living room, her breasts hanging heavy in front of her. There was a flush covering much of the upper half of her body, and impressionist freckles fading down her chest and back. At the whine of need she let out, I stopped soaking in every detail, however, and kicked the door to the living room shut. The last thing we needed was to have Anna or Eliana walk in on us. I stripped myself of my own boxers, and stepped forward.
“There’s no going back,” I said, like either of us had a choice at this point.
“I don’t want to,” she gasped.
I slid into her smoothly, slipping into her welcoming heat and feeling like I was coming home. She keened out a quiet whine, obviously aware that she couldn’t be too loud, or one of the two people upstairs might hear us and come investigating.
I moved inside of her slowly and surely, my hands braced on those full hips. There was no rush to finish, no need for an explosive climax like I had experienced with her twice before, but rather the gentle pull of us coming together.
I worked myself in and out of Sierra until every breath between us was a stifled moan, and then I pulled on her shoulders so she was standing, her back pressed to my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her front.
I thumbed over one nipple, and felt her walls fluttering around my dick. She tipped her head back onto my shoulder, mouth open, and I kissed her on the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were rolling back in her head as she moaned languidly, and I just kept moving. I brought us closer together than I thought possible, and when I felt that rising tide begin to surge in my gut, I wrapped my other arm around her front, and made motions with my hand to stimulate her clit.
The high-pitched noise she let out startled both of us, but she was too lost in the easy pleasure to care for long.
“Please,” she gasped into my ear, head still on my shoulder. “Let me come.”
“Do it,” I said with a kiss pressed to her temple, “come for me.”
And she did. She felt like she was melting in my arms as her breathing quickened, her eyes squeezed shut, and her thighs began to tremble. I supported her through it, still moving inside of her until she was jolting a little from every thrust into her oversensitive body. Only when I could feel it becoming too much for her did I stop and release everything I had with a groan.
When I pulled out of her, she looked at the white fluid that leaked down her leg.
“I suppose we don’t need to worry about contraception anymore,” she said slowly.
And then we were both laughing, almost loudly enough to wake the others, but it was just such a strange situation that we both had to let out our emotions somehow.
“Come on,” I finally said, pulling my own t-shirt over her.