Page 9 of Beautiful Disaster
“That fucking hurt, holy crap! Don’t ever choke on tequila—that was unbearably painful. What happened after that?” I was curious and hoped he didn’t stay with this little whore.
“I asked for the ring back and flew back to Vegas. After moving out of our apartment, I got my own place, as well as changed my cell number so she couldn’t contact me. Since I didn’t have many credits left to earn my degree, I took a couple of my classes online. It was an easy decision to cut her out of my life entirely and never let her explain. Hell, there was nothing to explain. Though, I can guarantee, she planned this entire trip to Chicago just to see him, which I paid for, and I am sure she saw this spoiled, rich boy as nothing but a gullible meal ticket.” Hardin shook his head. “I do have to admit, this fake relationship isn’t any easier. I am becoming a bit attached to you.”
“Don’t become too attached. I am like the Bubonic Plague after a while with the male species.” I was becoming attached to him the more I gazed at that perfectly chiseled face of his, not to mention that movie star smile. After the consumption of alcohol, impure thoughts started to cross my mind. However, this was only our second date and sex were not going to happen anytime soon in this arrangement.
I hadn’t realized how much I drank until Hardin had to carry me to my condo door essentially. I dug in my purse, becoming frustrated, stomping my feet, “I can’t find my key.” I felt a tug on my back pocket, thinking he was getting fresh until he waved my keys in front of my face. “Ooooh, there they are.”
“You really can’t handle the Patron, can you?”
I belched uncontrollably. “Oops, pardon me!” Slowly, I aimed my key toward the keyhole, becoming more frustrated that I couldn’t get the key to cooperate. He took my key and like magic, my door opened. “You’re my hero. My cats will thank you.”
I took a step and lost my balance, falling backward into Hardin. “Are you able to make it to your bedroom?” he asked as he looked around me inside my condo. “Those stairs look pretty steep.”
I held a finger up and turned to face him, “I want to k-kiss you.” Hardin waved a hand in front of me. Humming, I cautiously walked into my condo, bracing the walls with my palms so I could remove my boots and fell onto the stairs, laughing.
“I think you need my help,” my knight in shining armor said, or at least, I think that’s what he said. I laid on the staircase, dozing off. My legs jerked as he removed my boots. Hardin gripped my hand and tossed me over his shoulder.
“I’m gonna barf,” I moaned and rushing up the stairs made the nausearise past the emergency level. Hardin carried me as far as my bathroom and next thing I remembered, I was paying homage to the porcelain God. Collapsing to the floor, I looked around in a panic that he left me to fend for myself. Or so I thought until he returned back to the bathroom, wetting a cloth.
“Our next date needs to be blah blah blah.” Nothing he said made sense since my mind was a blur, and his voice was muffled. The small, spinning room brought more upheaval and my head hung over the toilet once more.
It was all I remembered until I woke up the following day with the worst headache imaginable. However, all I could think was how sweet Hardin was. I smiled and moaned as I rolled off my bed to relieve my bladder. I brushed my teeth before shuffling over to my bed. Looking at the alarm clock, I groaned. It was only five in the morning, and I was not exactly ready to meet the day. In fact, I was going to sleep all day with the hopes for have more fairy tale dirty dreams about Hardin Mills, Mr. Money Man.
Days Later
I’d been avoiding Hardin since that rather embarrassing date. I had no idea if anything happened between us, but I was too ashamed to face him. I ignored his texts, his calls and didn’t turn on his radio show as I usually did. Getting into the fake relationship was more than I had bargained for.
I raced past Millie’s desk and slammed the door to my office. Holding my hoodie to my face, I smothered the scream of frustration. Even though I tried to avoid him, I couldn’t stop thinking about him and ghosting him was difficult. I had to see his face and hear his voice.Did I end up falling for this guy? Hell, if I knew; maybe it was pure lust and nothing else. If it was lust, why did I feel like I needed to heave every time his smile or his eyes flashed in my mind?
I opened the door and shuffled over to Millie’s desk, “I’m taking the rest of the day off. I need a sabbatical day off.”
Millie just had to point out, “You don’t look so good, Dez!”Thank you Miss Obvious. “Are you preggers?” she giggled.
“You need to be doing the deed for that to happen,” I grumbled.
Confusion set in her eyes and her mouth formed into an ‘o’. “You and Money Man never got busy?” she asked and found herself sitting under the mountain of paperwork that was in a neat pile on her desk. “Fine. I— will— uh send an email to the boss and let him know you are playing hooky.”
Playing hooky? It’s the first time I've done that since I started working at the station years ago. It was a beautiful, clear day and all I wanted to do was hop on my bike and take in the serene beauty of the Red Rock Mountains with the hopes my thoughts weren’t flooded with Hardin Mills.
***Two Hours Later ***
Sitting atop one of the rocks, at one of the higher points of Red Rock, I looked out at the hazy view of the Las Vegas strip. Admittedly, it was more impressive at night when the bright lights beamed into the black sky. Some nights, you could see the beam from the Luxor reach into space. However, it was only noon, and the brown haze gave the indication there was heavy traffic causing a bit of pollution. Ugh, the downside to living in a big tourist trap.
Speaking of traps. Being in this fake relationship made me feel trapped. It was my stupid idea and one that now had me backed into a corner. It made me wonder if Hardin had the same thoughts. Maybe he’s just a horn dog who just wants a piece of the Queen of Hearts pie.
I needed to squelch the burning inside of me and took a long swig from my water camel. I wasn’t sure if it was the summer heat orhow this irritating man made me feel. Aw, screw it—I just surmised it was a combination of both.
I hopped off the rock and back to my bike, with every desire to go to Charlie’s and have a few drinks, with hopes that getting drunk off my ass would make me forget about this agreement and above all, Hardin Mills.