Page 15 of Blind Alpine
I stared at the screen, shaking my head at the verbiage I used. It was inappropriate to call him that, since Dallas had been nothing but a complete gentleman with me. I erased the word ‘tool’ and replaced it with ‘meanie head.’ No, that didn’t sound like me, and changed it back to the word ‘tool’ before clicking ‘send.’
Just as I was about to slip my phone into my purse, it pinged.Wow! A tool? That’s a bit harsh.My stomach tightened, knowing I said the wrong thing. However, the three dots told me he was still typing.I’m sorry, Share Bear, the battery in my phone died.
My phone rang, flashing Dalla’s name on top of the screen. I really hated it when Mushu did this. He’d call me immediately after sending a text, and I wondered if he advised Dallas to do this to me. “Did you really miss hearing my voice?” When the nurses at the reception station glared, I took the call outside.
“Sorry! I’m driving and need to chat with you hands-free. Were you able to see the Chief?”
“No, they had to give him a bath—” I laughed at the thought of how ripe he was getting even before I left for home. “Long overdue, Dallas. It’s such an immense relief that he’s awake, but.” I choked back the tears that surfaced. “Things are going to be so different when he comes home. I don’t know how to take care of my father.”
“Err-of course, they are, Charlene. He’s going to need you more than ever.”
Negative thoughts clouded me and I felt terrible for being selfish. My hopes and dreams were dashed the moment some inconsiderate asshole pulled the trigger. Shame on me for wanting to start my own life and for the saltiness of the tears that lingered on my lips because I wanted to get the hell out of Seward. Shame on me for being a terrible, selfish daughter whose future did not include caring for her paraplegic father.
Not thinking straight, I hung up with Dallas and took off running away from the hospital grounds. I needed to go somewhere to get my frustrations out and scream. Normally, I’d empty a couple of rounds of bullets into targets, but that wasn’t convenient right now.
My howling echoed around the surrounding buildings and I fell to my knees, face to the ground, as I sobbed uncontrollably. My father was alive, which was a miracle, in itself, and before Doctor Strange was about to pull the plug. But what I needed was a hug or to beat the crap out of someone or shoot inanimate objects. Hell, I had no clue what I needed. These were more wants. Right now, my needs were priorities over my wants.
What I needed to do was find out who shot this wonderful man and try, earnestly, to forgive him as opposed to retribution. I wasn’t one who believed in a life for a life nearly taken and evil begets evil. If this rival between Nanuq Shila and Aklark didn’t revert to civil terms, I’d have to encourage my father to dismantle the Nanuq Shila club altogether. No one’s life is expendable, and I needed to make not only the Nanuq Shila men realize this, but the Aklark men as well. Perhaps, if they believed in equality and allowed women into their clubs, it would balance out the overflowing testosterone in both clubs.
While at my father’s bedside, we caught up on what he’d missed since I had been back home. There wasn’t much to tell and I couldn’t very well let him know about my disguise, as well as plans to seek the shooter. The timing wasn’t there to ask about what happened or to ask who shot him. “Dad, the guys are dying to see you. I’ve been talking to Mushu and Dallas a lot lately.”
“Dallas?” There was a surprise in his voice as his eyes widened. “Are you two a thing now?”
Heat rushed to my cheeks, feeling them blush at the thought of that handsome but no good for me, Dallas Marquez. “No, no Dad. We’re just friends.” My heart sank into my stomach. Not because I wasn’t involved with Dallas. I was interested, but mildly. My meltdown made me shut down while my brain worked overtime. Not even realizing it, I stared out the window, focusing on nothing.
My father knew me too well and stroked my cheek, which gave me the notion he was more than likely paralyzed from the waist down. “Share Bear? What’s on your mind?”
Shaking my head, I thought about how to tactfully ask about his assailant. My mind was telling me not to even think about it; however, my tongue wanted to just pull off the band-aid and blurt it out. When I opened my mouth, only the sound of dead air was released.
Daddy squeezed my hand. “We’re going to be fine. I was talking to Dr. Bradley today about your Navy career, if you are still interested.” He paused, glancing away. “There is so much that needs to be done, but until our home is renovated for my disability, I will stay in the Peaceful Falls Rehab Center.”
Peaceful Falls was a rehabilitation center for injured and addicts. It was a nice facility. I’m sure the medical staff is knowledgeable and caring, but it didn’t sit well with me. “Daddy, I can’t join the Navy now. It wouldn’t be right to leave you. The only way I would consider joining is if I was guaranteed orders to Anchorage.”
“Charlene Michelle Dixon. You are not giving up your dreams for me, do you understand? You will not pay the price for my stupid decision to challenge Kennedy Townsend. Had I listened to Dallas and not gone to the Aklark club, this never would’ve happened.”
I jumped out of the chair, shocked and angry upon hearing his confession. “Dad. Not one man at the Nanuq Shila could tell me who shot you. You know what? That’s not the point. You and Kennedy used to be friends. Your rivalry used to be a fun competition. How in the hell did it become so deadly?” My father couldn’t respond and gave me a blank stare. “I am taking care of this madness once and for all.” The alarm in his eyes was becoming a permanent fixture, but I wasn’t finished loading on all the surprises. “I cut my hair because I am pretending to be one of the guys on your behalf to stop the fighting between you two. I will confront Kennedy Townsend in your honor, though not to shoot him or press charges, but to chastise him for stooping to that level. This takes the cake on these high school antics. I have never seen such immaturity in my life.”
My father’s green eyes were three shades lighter, yet they weren’t riddled with anger, as much as they were with fear. “Char? Have you any idea what a dangerous situation you’re putting yourself into? I implore you to stop right here and now before you get yourself killed.”
I placed my hand over his to assure him. “Trust me, Dad. Nothing is going to happen to me, though I may piss off a few people by deceiving them, it’s the price to pay for trying to manage the balance between the two clubs again. Can I ask? What happened between you and Kennedy? I remember you used to be thick as thieves at one time.”
He heavily sighed, and a light chuckle escaped his mouth. “It was over a bike. You know my Victory?” I nodded. “It once belonged to Kennedy, and I won it when he bet it on a poker hand. One he obviously lost.”
“All of this fighting and spilled blood was over a losing poker hand?” I wanted to curse, but couldn’t, out of respect for my father. “I will head back down to Seward and get this ironed out.”
“Char? I’m disappointed in you. Going head to head with Kennedy is a bad idea and a dishonor to me and the Nanuq Shila club.”
“Betting on a poker game made you dishonorable just the same. I am doing this for your honor and I will not steer you wrong, Dad. You just need to trust me.” I leaned over to kiss his cheek. “I love you so much it hurts. You know that, right?”
“I love you too, baby girl! Just do nothing stupid and tell the guys I would love for them to come and visit. Especially my future son-in-law.” He chuckled once more.
I smirked and pinched his arm. “Keep talking like that and I will smother you with a pillow.”
Gunshots echoed around the mountains, though shattering glass or tin wasn’t in that mix, as one Nanuq club failed to hit anything. Geesh! It was an assumption every man had to have gone hunting with his daddy from time to time. But this man was pathetic at shooting, not just shooting. He couldn’t even load or cock a pistol. “Let’s hope he has other skills if he ever has a run-in with some riffraff.” I blurted out, snorting a laugh. Judging by the way the guys glared at me, I was still failing at making a good impression. It will be the day when I am done pretending to be Johnny Wayne. Hell, I didn’t like him and I liked everyone, mostly.
“Wayne?” Austin called out my name, and I held up my pistols, showing I was ready. “It’s not your turn yet. I was just gonna ask if there was ever a time you didn’t run your big mouth.”