Page 27 of Chrome Poppies
I must admit Franklin was easy on me. She could have easily ended this mission and reported to Ezekiel that I fucked up big time before handing me a first-class ticket straight to the depths of hell.
After tightening Emilie’s helmet and seatbelt I stood next to the sidecar and waited until Braeden shuffled his feet over to me, as if we had all day. “Who was the chick? She was fucking hot!” He called out, forgetting he had a girlfriend. But I was more alarmed that he could see Franklin.
“Are you dead too?” It was a stupid question to ask, but I had to know.
Braeden spit to the side and rolled his eyes in his head as if he was thinking of the answer to my seemingly simple question. “I was riding and hit a deer, so I could be. I’m not sure, really.”
“He’s not dead,” Franklin said in my ear, but she was nowhere around, unless she was like the incredible shrinking angel and was the size of a dust mite. Not sure, but it didn’t matter. The only thing weighing on me was Emilie and how to avoid this kind of debacle from happening again.
“Is there a quicker way of getting to Napa Valley or are we unable to avoid Levi Shields?” I asked Braeden.
Emilie spoke for him instead, “We could take a plane, Jensen. It’d be a lot quicker and safer. The bad man wouldn’t think of finding us on a plane.”
Braeden’s eyes widened as he nodded, “She’s right. We could fly.”
I groaned, then threw my hands up and yelled out. “We cannot fly. We are nowhere near an airport, and we are only a couple of hours away from Napa Valley. Both of you, no—no. At this point, I am tempted to take the offer of being the devil’s bitch because I am coming closer to losing my mind. I have a child who seems too jaded to understand how much danger she’s in and I have Mr. Derpy Derp who doesn’t know his ass from his balls.” Emilie laughed at my comment about Braeden, but I couldn’t laugh along with her. I was angry and none of this was going as planned.
“Look man, I am here to help you and little Elsa.”
“EMILIE!” Emilie and I said in unison.
“Even in death you’re a dick, Jensen. I will help get Em-eh-lee to Death Valley then we will go our separate ways.”
I nodded while thinking about the brain cells I was losing by being in his company. I barely took two steps, and he asked, “Can I say something else, Jensen?” Giving him a single nod was approval to continue entertaining me with his wit. “I denounced my loyalty to the Chrome Poppies. I am only loyal to you and Pink Bunny.”
Emilie yelled out, “Only Pink Bunny?”
Braeden grinned, “Yes, only Pink Bunny and Bimmickey.” She giggled and at that precious moment, my detest for Braeden Collins diminished. “Jensen, the only thing that will come between me and Emilie is a bullet to my brain. Nothing will happen to her on my watch.”
“Good!” I answered with no emotion. I couldn’t show him what a softie I truly was. “Get on your bike and get to Napa before that asshole and his lemmings do.”
I am glad I went with my instincts and stayed on the highway going North toward Napa Valley, for who did I see a half mile up? The all too familiar red poppy on the back of the riders’ vests. Revving the engine, I pulled up beside Levi, who paid no mind to the car that matched his speed.
“He’s got something wrapped up in a bright blue tarp,” Sherman said as he craned his neck. “Please don’t tell me it’s the kid wrapped up.”
That’s all Sherman needed to say before I moved up and blocked their path. Hearing the tires squeal when they slammed on the brakes, I’m surprised there wasn’t a five Harley pile-up. I looked in the rearview mirror to see each bike stopped and intact; however, every rider remained seated. This could be one of two things, either they chose to be compliant, or their fearless leader was giving them a pep talk, urging them to be armed and take us out. Yet, I don’t think Levi was that stupid to murder two law enforcement officials in broad daylight in front of the many drivers that passed us.
Immediately, I radioed the Napa County Sheriff’s department for backup, while Sherman directed the traffic behind us. Dispatch advised we’d have help within five to ten minutes, but I couldn’t sit idly by and wait for them.
Before I slid out of the car, I checked the chamber of my pistols to make sure they were fully loaded. It was precautionary, and I hoped to God I didn’t need to fire them at all.
With one pistol aimed, I yelled for Levi to get off his bike, as Sherman followed my lead with the rest of them. Each of the riders did as we demanded, which surprised me by how compliant they were. This arrest was too easy. “Remove the tarp.”
“You caught me, Detective McCrae. I got what I came for.” Levi chuckled as he deliberately loosened the rope slowly. “Hey, little girl. You’re out of my hold and you’re going with this nice dickhead.” I moved around him and burst out laughing when he removed the tarp to show it stuffed with decorative pillows. “What the fuck?” Levi blurted out and raised his hands to surrender. He turned slowly on the balls of his feet with a smug expression, “Are you going to arrest us for kidnapping Pottery Barn?”
“No, you’re under arrest for the murders of Oswald Dillon Senior. Beatrice Dillon. Selena Dillon. Oswald Dillon Junior. Denton Sykes. Kern County Deputy Sheriff Jensen Grimes. I’m sure I could go on with your offenses, but I don’t have that kind of time.”
Normally I was calm and cool under pressure, yet the sinister expression written all over his face intimidated me; even made me fear for my life. Levi Shields was cunning, and I feared he would unsheathe his pistols and kill us as easily as he had his other victims.
“You don’t have a warrant, my friend,” Levi responded while chuckling as he climbed back onto his bike. Sherman rushed over to him and said something I couldn’t hear. Hopefully, it was to back up the arrest. Perhaps, he was telling Levi that we could do this the easy way and take them away in handcuffs or it will be a bloodbath and lives will be lost.
However, after Levi started his engine, everything I imagined Sherman told him was stricken. Now, I was curious, which only added to my aggravation.
Levi yelled out, “Men, let’s get the fuck out of here. I’ve got a far more important engagement I need to get to. Find me when you see Jensen Grimes' body splattered on the driveway of the Weatherly Vineyard.” He blew me a kiss, no doubt a kiss of death, before slipping on his helmet.