Page 33 of Chrome Poppies
“You claim Jensen is pathetic. But here you stand, you allowed your father to beat on your mother. Any son who loved their mother would have protected her. Any brother who loved his sister would have done the same. You were so frightened of the consequences, you let your mother die. Did blowing your father’s head make the pain go away?”
I shook my head. It didn’t ease the pain; it made it worse and carrying this secret was a burden.
“So, you believe killing Emilie Dillon will make you feel better. Ooooh, you killed an entire family—you’re a fucking God, aren’t you?” He growled and dug his jagged nails into my temples. “Do you know what I do with sick, twisted fucks like you?” I couldn’t answer that question, I was paralyzed with fear. I was facing my impending doom and knew even the devil wouldn’t give me a reprieve for all the crime I committed. “When you reach my throne, you are put through trials that will make you regret every poor decision you made. It will not see that you had one ounce of good with your dearest late wife. It will not see the scarce amount of tenderness you gave your mother or sister. You will be judged for the countless murders and the lack of remorse for those murders. You will also be judged for the way you treated those in your liege. These men you thought loyal were, in actuality, scared shitless of you. They knew if they did one wrong thing, they were as good as dead.”
Feeling arrogant, I tried to match his insults with facts. “They knew what my expectations were and complied. It wasn’t because they feared me.”
“Hmm,” Amon clasped his hands behind his back and circled me. “What about every elected Mayor and Sheriff? You were able to buy them off, which made you untouchable. That was until Mayor Davis caught on to what you were doing and put an end to your manipulation. Speaking of manipulation.” Amon snapped his fingers, and someone dropped at my feet. “Get up, Brent Sherman. I have someone for you to meet.”
Amon pulled the fat fucker up to his feet and I gasped to see half his head gone and the wound was so fresh it was gooey. “What happened to you?”
Brent barely broke a smile. “He will heal within a day or so. We want him in the best shape to be ready for his trials. Your mole was found out and shot in the head by his partner, Lawrence McCrae. Mr. Sherman can’t speak right now because of the injuries he’s sustained. However, I can tell you that he’s a piece of shit—more a thief, but he’s not a murderer. He’s only in hell because of you. Like all of your men, except for Jensen Grimes, Bernie and Steven—the ones you called Dumb and Dumber—and Braeden are all comfortable in Heaven. They are the smart ones who wouldn’t let you influence them so negatively.”
This man talked too much, I wanted so badly to shut him up but I was damned if I did anything about it and damned if I didn’t. “Thank you for the enlightening tour of what my life will be after I die. But I really must go before the men wonder where I’ve been.”
“I will let you go, but it won’t be long before I see you once more, my new frenemy.”
Amon placed his hand on my forehead and before I knew it, I was on my bike, barreling down the highway. “Man, I need to learn not to daydream when driving.”
“What happened, boss?” Bear asked, more than likely responding to the frenzy in my voice. “BOSS!” He yelled.
I paid no attention to the overturned semi-rig ahead and was going at such a high rate of speed, I couldn’t stop.
As I laid on the hot as fuck concrete, the entire accident occurred on a large screen television on the ceiling. First, I crashed into the truck, causing it to explode and the impact knocked the men off their bikes as their bodies flew in different directions.
“Are you happy now, Shields?” One member shouted out. “Follow your lead—it will be great, and you will reap all the rewards you could dream of. Well, now we’re dead and in hell.” The member stood over me and I winced while his wet blood dripped on my face. “I am in hell, and I have no arms, you fucking asshole.”
“Were the bodies identified?” I asked the California Highway Patrol who was directing traffic.
“No names, but the ones who weren’t burnt to a crisp were wearing motorcycle club vests with large poppies.”
It was a terrible thing to wish but I prayed one of the slain was Levi. I lived for the day he was out of the picture and off everyone’s radar. I had a mind to file a petition with the governor of California to put every motorcycle club out of commission. However, the more I thought about it, I couldn’t let everyone pay for one or two clubs’ shenanigans. Levi Shields, Ozzy Dillon, and Brent Sherman were now paying for their shortcomings for an eternity.
I wish I knew what happened to Jensen and Emilie. After I shot Brent, I had completely forgotten about them. “He’s safe!” I heard a girl whisper in my ear along with the buzzing of a fly. “Emilie Dillon is now with her aunt and uncle. Buzz, buzz—Jensen has gotten his wings—YAY! And he is in heaven with us, exploring new roads with his Victory. You must admit—buzz, buzz, it’s fitting that he’s riding a Victory since he was pretty—buzz, buzz—victorious. You can get your rest now. Go home and feed your dog, she misses you.”
The buzzing was gone, the girl’s voice was gone. The nightmare was over, and I climbed into the CHP car, waiting for my ride to some hotel in Napa. Ratchet will need to wait until I get home for her dinner and belly rubs. I am in my forties now, maybe I can finally meet a nice girl and settle down. Nah—I like being a perpetual bachelor without the extra baggage, but it would be nice to get laid occasionally.
My needs aside, I called the chief. “Case is closed. Emilie Dillon is at her destination and safe. Levi Shields and five other Chrome Poppies are deceased… speed is attributed to that… yeah, I’ll have the report on your desk when I get back home. Then I plan to take a long, much-needed vacation… no, bro, I haven’t had a vacation in five years.” The chief burst out laughing and told me I earned as much time off as needed. I needed to see my family in Chicago and tell them how much I miss them. Maybe I can hook up with my old flame from college, last I heard she was divorced. If she doesn’t mind the fact that I have less hair and a couple wrinkles here and there, we’re good.
Even though I promised to constantly watch over Emilie, I wanted to give it time, though I didn’t realize I had waited a year. As I sat perched on the roof of the barn at the vineyard, I watched with pride while Emilie engaged in an impromptu round of catch with her older cousins. She had great camaraderie with the red-headed boy she called Shawn and the older one, Daulton, seemed very protective of her, treating her like she was fine China.
But if they knew Emilie, they’d know she was tough as nails. Perhaps, this was Janiece’s doing and I can guess she wanted a daughter and tried to instill some ladylike behavior. “Jensen?” She called out.
“Who’s Jensen?” Shawn asked and she pointed right to me. “I don’t see anyone. You’ve lost your damn mind, kid. Let’s go in and get our homework done before mom gets home and screams at us for playing around.”
Emilie gave me a hesitant wave and never looked in my direction after that. I smiled with great relief that she was with a family who clearly loved her and vowed I would only show up when she needed someone, this was one of those moments she didn’t need me.
When Ezekiel pointed out Rae and the boys’ location, I was hesitant to make the trip to Tacoma. I wanted to see them in person. All three of them. Rae had remarried two years ago to US Army Sergeant Joshua Greenblatt, and had a three-year-old girl, Ruby.