Page 15 of The Overlord's Pet
“I don’t need to know your Earth name,” he remarked, breaking into my chaotic train of thought. “That is behind you—part of your past. You are mine now and I will name you accordingly. Although…” He paused, looking thoughtful. “IthinkI may have already named you, little one.” He nodded, one corner of his thin but sensuous mouth rising in a little half-smile. “Yes, ‘little one’ suits you nicely. You’re so small and delicate.”
I snorted.
“I may be on the short side but I haveneverbeen considered ‘delicate.’ I’m what they called ‘plus-sized’ or ‘curvy’ back on my planet. You have to be a lot thinner than me to be called ‘delicate.’”
“Yes, I saw the thin, slender females when I was searching for just the right pet,” Sir remarked.
“Then why didn’t you pick one ofthem?”I demanded. “You could have picked an Instagram influencer or a supermodel! Why them and not me?”
“I didn’t wish a sickly, skinny pet,” he said, frowning. “I needed one that was hardy enough to withstand interstellar travel. Besides, as I said before, I like your curves.” He smiled at me. “They’re most fetching. Now spread your legs and let me wash you.”
“No!” I exclaimed, clamping my thighs closed even tighter. “You can’t claim you don’t want me for a…a ‘Sex Pet’ and then say something like that, andthenexpect me to let you touch me between my legs!”
“I’m not ‘touching’ you in a sexual way—I’m washing you, little one.” He began to look exasperated. “Now are you going to let me finish giving you your bath or do you want a punishment?”
My stomach did a little flip-flop.
“What—are you going to swat my behind with a rolled up newspaper or magazine?” I demanded, lifting my chin defiantly.
He frowned.
“I don’t believe in corporal punishment as a general rule—though in your case Imightmake an exception. However, I think the best thing would be to confine you to your crate for anahrn.”He raised his eyebrows at me.“Isthatwhat you want?”
I bit my lip. No, I didn’t want to go back into the claustrophobic crate. It reminded me too much of a coffin.
“No,” I mumbled at last. “No, I…I don’t want that.”
“All right then—spread your legs and let me finish,” he rumbled in a low, commanding voice that seemed to shake me to my bones.
Feeling defeated, I lowered my eyes and looked down as I spread my legs. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t want him to touch me—although Ididn’t,I told myself fiercely, I reallydidn’t.It was the fact that I was afraid he would be able to tell he had turned me on when he was washing my breasts and stroking my body earlier. That would be humiliating in the extreme—as if this whole situation wasn’t already humiliating enough!
“I understand these areas are delicate and private,” Sir said, surprising me. “So I want you to know that I’ll be very careful, little one.”
He rinsed his hands in the not-water and then held one under the golden faucet again.
“Extramild cleansing,” he told it.
This time the liquid that came oozing out of the golden tap was milky white with a pearly sheen to it. Sir rubbed it between his fingers and thumb and then reached between my legs.
I bit my lip—hard—as I felt his big fingers rubbing over the top of my mound.
“Hmm—we’ll have to use a depilatory in the future,” he remarked, stroking my soft nest of reddish-brown curls. “The fur on your head is lovely, but this presents too much area for alien germs.”
I didn’t answer, just bit my lip harder as his big fingers rubbed over my outer pussy lips. I still felt swollen and hot there in a way I never had before in my life—though I had read about it often enough in romance novels. I had been so sure I was an asexual person—why was the Alien Overlord’s touch affecting me this way?
“I’m going to open you for just a moment, little one,” I heard his deep voice rumble. “Not for any sexual pleasure on my part but just to get you clean. Can you be a good little pet and let me wash you?”
“I…I can’t stop you, so go ahead, I guess.” I didn’t like the way my voice trembled. I balled my hands into fists, telling myself that I didn’t want this! But somehow my body was telling a different story—it was lighting up like a Christmas tree the very first time it’s plugged in. Why was I reacting this way to my new Master’s touch and why couldn’t I stop?
“Gently, now,” Sir murmured as he parted my outer pussy lips with two large fingers and rubbed the shimmering white cleaning solution into my inner folds with a third.
I gasped as he stroked gently over my clit, sending tingles of pleasure through my entire body. God, what waswrongwith me that I was reacting this way? Was I secretly turned on by BDSM scenarios? I had tried reading the Master/slave type romance books before and I hadn’t thought they did anything for me. But if that was the case, why was I feeling so incredibly aroused right now as my new Master touched me against my will?
“Oh, is that sensitive?” Sir stopped with his fingertip pressing lightly against my swollen clit. “Sorry, little one—I’m trying to be gentle.” He slid his finger down, finding the entrance to my pussy. “I’m going to have to clean inside you now,” he added. “But I promise I’ll make it quick. Can you be a good pet and spread your legs a little wider?”
I could feel my cheeks burning as I did what he asked. Why was I complying with his request? Why wasn’t I trying to run? Why was my body reacting so strongly to his when it had never reacted to anyone before?
I stifled a moan as I felt one long finger slide up inside me. God, I had never enjoyed the sensation of penetration before. No matter how many different positions Don and I had tried, none of them had done anything for me. But now I felt like I was on fire as my new Master’s finger filled me.