Page 40 of The Overlord's Pet
I choked and tried to push his hands away, but he was too strong. As my breathing was cut off entirely, I felt a sense of despair. My grand escape attempt had turned into a nightmare. I should probably have stayed with Sir—at least he hadn’t knocked me around and choked me!
But I’d had to take my shot, hadn’t I? I just should have been smarter about it. And now I would never get home—never see my mom and sister again.
The world was turning gray around me when I suddenly heard a familiar voice right outside the metal bars.
“How dare you, you LowBorn scum!” it rumbled. “Take your fucking hands off my pet or suffer the consequences!”
The two fingers twisting the golden collar and cutting off my air were suddenly withdrawn and I was dropped like a ragdoll onto the hard, dirty floor. Gasping and choking, I looked up to see Sir standing on the other side of the bars.
My Master was glaring daggers at Shadrack, who had an angry but defiant look on his lumpish features.
“She ain’t yours, HighBorn,” he snapped. “I scooped her up fair and square. She’s going to the Pet Auction back on Korrigon Four—you can bid on her there if you want to. Until then, she’smine.”
“You fuckingscum!”
The barely controlled rage in Sir’s deep voice was terrible to hear. I was alarmed to see that his full-black eyes had suddenly gone full-white, which was somehow even scarier than his usual horror-movie look. And then something started to happen.
It began with the metal gate across the narrow doorway rattling, even though Sir wasn’t touching it. The rattling became a shaking and then the metal bars of the cage began to move.
But they weren’t being pulled away from the door in the way I had been trying to get them open. No, they werecompressingsomehow. It looked like a giant, invisible hand was crunching them down, wadding them up the same way I might casually wad up a piece of paper.
I stared in amazement as the bars were squeezed into a metal ball about as big as my torso and then tossed to one side with an echoingclang!Had Sir done that with hismind?It was like something out of a science-fiction movie! What was the one with the guy who wore a helmet and had special powers over metal? I couldn’t remember but I couldn’t help staring at Sir. How had he managed that?
By this time, Shadrack was shaking in his size 27 green boots. As Sir entered the dark space, he fell to his knees and started blubbering.
“I’m sorry, my Lord!” he moaned. “She said you were an OverLord but I didn’t believe her! I didn’t know!I didn’t know!”
“It shouldn’t matter what I am—you have no right to hurt an inferior species like this or to trap primitive females and sell them as Sex Pets!” Sir thundered. “Your kind make me sick! I ought to do to your head what I did with that metal gate!”
He pointed at the other male and I saw the thick neck begin to compress, cutting off Shadrack’s airflow as surely as he had been cutting off mine when he tried to twist off my golden collar. Slowly, his big body began to float up into the air, almost as though an invisible hand had the big Korrigon by the throat and was lifting him.
“No, my Lord!” Shadrack gasped, his gray face beginning to turn blue. “No, please! I’m not here just for…for my own profit. I’m here on orders…orders from Sir Gra’multh, the OverLord of… of the Southern Continent.”
“Howdareyou lie to me?” Sir thundered.
Shadrack shook his head violently in negation and drew in a wheezing gasp. “His Lordship says…says this universe is ripe for…for the plucking. He sent me…me and other Pet Finders to look over the females and take the…the likeliest ones!”
For a moment I thought Sir was getting even angrier. His eyes went from white to a kind of silver and I thought lightning might start shooting out of them. Hey, it wouldn’t be any weirder than seeing him wad up a metal gate with his mind like it was a piece of paper or lift a ten-foot-tall giant by the throat without even touching him.
But then he dropped Shadrack abruptly—though he still hadn’t touched him physically at all. The gray Pet Finder, as Sir had called him, collapsed on the ground like a sack of dirt, panting and clawing at his throat as he wheezed in big gasps of air.
“I will not start a civil war on my home world over the likes ofyou,” Sir growled at him. “But you will not keep these females you have taken, either.”
He pointed a finger at the women who were still huddled together silently in the corner. Suddenly the silver collars they were all wearing fell off, clanging on the floor at their feet.
Sir stepped forward to them. Almost all of them cringed away from him but he shook his head.
“No, do not fear me. I need only a moment to contact the ones you came here with. Tell me their names and I will send for them.”
One by one, the women stepped forward and each one mumbled a name. As they did, Sir closed his eyes and appeared to concentrate. I saw his lips moving—was he sending thought messages to the women’s husbands or partners or something?
I didn’t know for sure and I was afraid to ask, but after a short time—just a fewmernsas Sir would say—alien men started arriving at the little dark cell where Shadrack had been keeping his prisoners.
The first to come was a big Vorn with red skin and pointed horns. His golden eyes went wide when a small woman with deep brown skin and curly black hair rushed forward to greet him.