Page 55 of The Overlord's Pet
“Touch me…taste me…get to know my scent and flavor and the feel of me in your hand and mouth. That will get you ready to have me in your pussy, because it will deepen our bond and help your body to accept mine.”
I still thought the idea that we were forming a “bond” was a load of hogwash, as my Southern grandmother would have said. I didn’t feel any kind of permanent connection growing between us—at least, I didn’tthinkI did.
Though I liked being near Sir and cuddling with him, that didn’t mean Ihadto be with him. I mean, I wasn’t addicted to him, or anything. Though Ididmiss his scent when we were at opposite ends of the ship, I had to admit. But surely that didn’t have anything to do with a permanent bond. Did it?
Anyway, I decided to take him up on his offer. Tentatively, I wrapped my fingers around his shaft. It was so thick, my fingers and thumb wouldn’t meet, but I did my best, stroking up and down, liking the feel of the ridges under my palm. I liked that his scent was stronger here too, with a hint of masculine musk that drew me to him and made me want to touch him even more.
Sir groaned, deep in his throat as I stroked him.
“Gods, little one—your hands are so soft and small.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, Master,” I said primly.
To be honest, I was enjoying myself as well. It felt good to be the one in charge for a change, especially after the way he’d been teasing over and over almost from the minute I got to his ship. I found I liked being the one in control and the idea that I could make my huge, muscular Master groan with pleasure made me feel strong and confident. I love that feeling of power when I held him in my hand.
You may be wondering—what about Don, my fiancé back home? Didn’t I feel guilty about the things Sir and I were doing together? To answer your question honestly, not too much. I really didn’t have a choice in the beginning about being Sir’s pet. And now I had to save my entire galaxy. If there was a better excuse for cheating, I didn’t know what it was.
Plus, it barely felt like cheating because the way my body reacted when Sir touched me was so different from the way I felt when I was with Don. I speculated that once I got back to Earth, my fiancé and I would probably break up. Not just because I had been with another guy, but because nothing and no one was going to compare to Sir.
Does that mean you’re thinking of staying with him and not going back to Earth?whispered a little voice in my brain, but I pushed it aside and concentrated on the task at hand—namely Sir’s enormous cock.
He seemed to enjoy the way I was stroking him—so much so, that a pearly drop of pre-cum had appeared at the tip of the pointed head of his cock. I eyed it with interest—rather than being clear, like a human man’s pre-cum, the droplet perched on the point of his crown had a silvery sheen to it.
Tentatively, I stuck out my tongue and tasted the little droplet. I expected the salty, slightly bitter flavor I associated with a human man, but once again Sir surprised me.
A salty-sweet flavor that was both complex and delicious spread over my tongue. It was also strangely familiar. Where had I tasted that before?
Wanting to try some more, I stroked Sir’s cock until another, larger silver droplet appeared at the pointed tip. This time I took the whole head in my mouth and sucked, getting as much as I could. I couldalmostplace the flavor…
“Gods, little one!” Sir groaned softly and I looked up to see him looking down at me with half-lidded eyes. “Just help yourself, why don’t you?” he rumbled, amusement and pleasure mixed in his deep voice.
“Sorry,” I murmured guiltily. “It’s just…you taste like something really good, but I can’t think what it is…”
I lapped at the head of his cock again and suddenly it came to me.
“Oh—I know what it is!” I exclaimed. “There’s a little ice cream and dessert shop in my town called ‘The Toffee Connection’ and they make the mostamazingsalted caramel sauce. It’s fabulous when you drizzle it over their homemade vanilla bean ice cream.” I looked up at him. “That’swhat you taste like, Sir—a salted caramel sundae!”
“Hmm, well, I’m glad you enjoy my flavor, little one,” he murmured.
The way he said it made me frown at him suspiciously.
“Hey—whydoes your precum taste like one of my favorite flavors from home?” I demanded. “I mean, it seems too good to be true. I’ve never liked the flavor of any human guy before—is it just because you’re a Korrigon or is it something else?”
“Itmayhave to do with the way our bond is growing,” he admitted, cupping my cheek. “Now that I’ve decided to make you my Sex Pet, the closer we get, the more we’ll come to crave each other. Enjoying the flavor and scent of your Master is just part of the bond.” He stroked my cheek gently. “Just asIcraveyourscent and flavor, little one.”
I remembered the way he’d lapped my juices off his finger and felt myself blushing when I thought of how he’d said I was “delicious.” I couldn’t help wondering if he was still planning to go down on me, as he had promised. Just the thought of his hot tongue between my thighs made me quiver all over with embarrassment and desire.
“Yes, I’m going to taste you—very soon in fact,” Sir murmured. “I can’t wait to spread your thighs and open your sweet little cunt with my tongue, little one.”
“Sir!” I protested, feeling my cheeks get hot with a blush. “Are you reading my mind?”
“We’re getting closer and it’s easier for me to catch what you’re thinking when I’m touching you,” he admitted. “But I won’t read you if you’d rather I didn’t. Though I admit I enjoy these little glimpses into your mind—you fascinate me.”
“Oh, uh, thank you,” I whispered, biting my lip. “Will…willIever be able to look intoyourmind, though?”
“It’s doubtful,” Sir said. “As a Korrigon, my mind has a natural shield around it. Though youshouldbe able to hear the thoughts I send to you in time.”
“If you seal our bond?” I asked, because he had talked about that several times.