Page 96 of The Overlord's Pet
“Yes, it’s bad for the baby,” Sir said. He sighed and stretched. “Well, we should probably get some sleep, little one. We have quite a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“I guess we do,” I murmured. I looked up at him shyly. “Sir, after we go to Court and save my galaxy, are you going to seal our bond?”
He cupped my cheek and smiled.
“Yes, absolutely. I think you’re very close to being able to take my shaft all the way inside your sweet little pussy, my darling. And I want to seal our bond before you make your choice about going back to Earth.”
It was on the tip of my tongue to say that I didn’t want to go back at all…but I couldn’t help remembering my mom and my sister. I had to at least let them know I was all right…though afterwards I might want to go back to being Sir’s pet. After all, flying around the galaxy with him was much more interesting than walking Great Aunt Maizy’s dogs or being a part-time librarian.
But I decided to keep these thoughts to myself for now, anyway. Sir and I had a lot to do tomorrow—I just hoped I didn’t screw things up somehow. Having the whole fate of the galaxy on your shoulders is a lot to bear.
Sir and I did our nightly routine and soon enough we were snuggled up in his big bed together. I sighed happily as I cuddled close to him, breathing in his warm, spicy scent. I tried not to think about what might happen the next day in the royal Court of Korrigon Four—it all seemed surreal to me and I didn’t think it would seem real until I actually saw it with my own eyes. But still, I couldn’t stop thinking about it…
“Go to sleep, little one,” Sir murmured drowsily when I stirred restlessly against him. “And have sweet dreams.”
“All right,” I murmured. “I’ll try. But Sir, what if I mess everything up tomorrow?”
“You won’t—youcan’t,”he assured me. “I’ll be at your side the entire time. All you have to do is speak respectfully to the Sovereign in Court Korgish when I tell you to. That’s all, little one.”
“Well…all right,” I said, feeling somewhat comforted. Closing my eyes, I finally let myself drift off to sleep.
But then I had the dream…
Iwas standing in front of a golden throne, but the woman sitting on the throne didn’t look like Sir or like she came from Korrigon Four at all. In fact, she looked human just like me—she had blonde hair and a curvy figure and a kind but regal smile. She was also wearing a golden crown on her head.
“Who are you?” I asked bluntly. “And where am I?” I looked around but everything besides the golden throne and the woman sitting on it was wreathed in mist.
“I’m Charlotte Walker—also known as Empress Sundalla the 1000th,” she answered. “I’m the ruler of The Goddess’s Cloak—what you call ‘The Milky Way,’ galaxy.”
I frowned at her.
“But…you don’tlooklike an alien.”
The woman on the throne laughed.
“That’s because I’mnotan alien—I’m human just like you. And I was raised on Earth, just like you. And just like you, the fate of our galaxy once rested in my hands.”
“What do you know about that?” I demanded. “Have you been spying on Sir and me?”
She shook her head, her long blonde hair swishing over her elaborate, jeweled gown.
“No, but I am very closely connected to the Goddess of Mercy, she who told the Ancient Ones to seed the Twelve Worlds and make the Twelve Peoples grow.” Her lovely face went suddenly grave. “She has told me what your fate is and how very near our galaxy is to destruction and domination by an older, superior race that has powers we cannot prevail against, no matter how hard we fight.”
“Er, yes—it’s apparently right on the brink,” I admitted uncomfortably. “But Sir thinks we can convince his ruler, Splendara the Third and Thirtieth, that the people of our galaxy are advanced enough to be left alone to live their own lives.”
“It will not be as simple as you think,” Charlotte said gravely. “There are evil forces involved—hungry mouths that would gobble our whole galaxy up if they’re allowed to do it.”
“Theycoulddo it, too,” I said grimly. “I’ve seen Sir’s Mental Powers—if a whole bunch of people who can crush things with their minds and control people’s thoughts come after us, we’re in deep shit. Er, pardon my language, your Majesty.”
The Empress made a dismissive motion with one hand.
“Just Charlotte, please. I know how great the danger is, but I wanted to come to you and let you know that you’re more powerful than you think, Elli.”
“I am?” I asked, frowning and trying to figure out if I had told her my name or if she just somehow knew it.