Page 4 of In a Cowboy's Arms
“I wasn’t partying as you say. I was designated driver or fifth wheel, whichever; wasn’t really in the mood to drink so I volunteered to drive them. Knowing my buddies like I do; they were bound to get trashed and get themselves in trouble. Just doing the responsible thing.”
“Hmm, I guess. Noble of you. My roommates aren’t exactly the pillar of responsibility when it comes to alcohol or cowboys. Well, thanks for stopping by then.” She turned to walk away from the door.
Wait, that was it? He couldn’t let her leave yet.
“Hey, umm…”
“So, you come out to your parents’ every day for work?”
“Yep sure do. Here first thing in the morning to help with the feed chores and spend the rest of the day doing whatever needs to be done. However, today’s work might include a nap since I got very little sleep last night.”
“I feel really bad about that.”
“Don’t. It is what it is. My roommates are stupid. They are avoiding the inevitable, which is being an adult and growing up.”
“You don’t seem to like them very much.”
This guy is very perceptive.
“I guess it’s not about liking them anymore, we grew up together and have always been friends, but at this point in our lives, I just want different things than they do. It’s unfortunate but I’m ready to start building my life and they still want to play.”
“Well, sounds like that’s one thing we have in common. My buddies are perfect matches to your girlfriends. I just haven’t taken the step you have to separate from them. I need to, it just gets me into situations I don’t want to be in.”
“Like being in my apartment in the middle of the night, watching them have sex and drink alcohol?”
“Exactly that. So why do you still live with your roommates if they drive you crazy?”
“That’s a really good question actually. I had that conversation with myself on the way here this morning. As much as I don’t want to live with the girls anymore, I can’t bring myself to move back in with my parents. So, for now, I’m jus sticking with the lesser of two evils. One of these days, I’ll bite the bullet and buy my own place maybe.”
“Trust me I know how you feel. I’m thrilled to have my own place, even though Mason seems to be there an awful lot.”
“Well Jordan Cross, it was nice chatting with you but I have a kitchen to clean up before I can start my list of chores.”
“Same to you.”
Jordan turned away from the house but stopped short and turned back toward her.
“Hey Lacey?”
“Just wondered if I’d be seeing you around town sometime?”
“No, not likely.” For the second time in less than twelve hours, Jordon had been blessed with the pleasure of this woman’s retreating back, covered or not. Maybe he could work up to getting her to walk toward him again at some point?
He couldn’t be more thrilled she’d given him a few minutes of conversation. Her voice melted into him like soft butter and he really hoped she wasn’t right. He wanted to see here again, and soon.
He sighed, faced with the drive back to his place. His ranch bordered the Connelley’s so it was close as the crow flies, but the actual drive took three times as long. Maybe next time he’d go by way of the crow and ride a horse over. It would give him the opportunity to see some of his land and they were only just across the creek anyway. Maybe he could convince her to go for a ride with him, show him around a little.
He pulled down the long drive away from the Connelley ranch but Instead of going home though, he headed into Rock Creek. He needed to stop by the bank and then over to Jensen’s. His fridge was looking a little worse for wear.
Time to make his place a little bit more livable.
Chapter Four
Lacey stood at the kitchen sink watching out the window as Mr. Cross, or Jordon as he preferred to be called, pulled out of the driveway, and headed back toward wherever he came from. She was definitely curious to know what his story was. And why come all the way out here for just an introduction or an apology? He didn’t even know her—but then she was sure his buddy Mason would have filled him in. He was a polite man and extremely handsome, she’d give him that, but still just another cowboy in the grand scheme of things.