Page 8 of In a Cowboy's Arms
“Jordon, just relax and do what I do. You’ll be great.”
“I doubt that.”
He was such a worry wort but he really needed to loosen up. It’s just what everyone did in this town. A few beers and a couple more line dances and he won’t know what hit him. Truthfully, she couldn’t remember the last time she even had this much fun at the Watering Hole. Probably because her unruly roommates weren’t there with them. She only wondered briefly where they’d ended up after the rodeo. But then again, they were adults and so not her problem.
* * *
Why in thehell did I let her talk me into this?
Her feet moved so fast he couldn’t keep track of what she was doing. Then, she turned to her right with a hop and started the sequence all over again. He assumed he was supposed to turn as well because the waitress did the same thing as Lacey so he turned but left off the hop. Only this time it was a little easier to watch her because he was now behind her.
“How you doing?” Lacey peeked at him over her shoulder but had to yell because the music was pretty loud.
“I think I’m actually getting it.” And he really was. She was right, it was different than dancing up close. Her toes were too far away for him to step on when he took a wrong step and it was easier to learn from watching her from behind.
Another hop and they were side-by-side again.
She beamed a beautiful smile his way. He could tell she was in her element and really having fun, after a few beers to loosen her up. It was a fair bet she didn’t have a lot of fun with her roommates. He was glad he could share it with her.
They jumped around a few more intervals, a quarter turn at a time, then the song came to an end with two final stomps from both women and they clapped. Then, she jumped into his arms, hooking her arms around his neck.
Like it was the most natural thing to do, he’d wrapped his arms around her middle and picked her up off the floor, swinging her in a circle before he set her back on her feet.
“Oh my gosh that was so much fun.” Then, she grabbed him around the neck and planted a long slow kiss right on his lips, giving him plenty of time to kiss her back. A bit of tongue tangling, then she let him go, smiled wide, and hopped off in search of a refill for her beer, leaving him in awe.
When a slow song came on next and a few couples starting swaying slowly around him, he stumbled back to their table where she was talking to the waitress, Maggie.
“Hey, great job out there. Would you like another beer? How about anything more to eat? It’s last call in the kitchen.”
He heard her talking but couldn’t really form any coherent words. He only said beer.
“Hey, are you alright? You did that line dance like you’ve been dancing for years.”
Maybe. Wait, what just happened?She just kissed me—like a real kiss. I couldn’t have imagined that.
Only Lacey didn’t seem to be at all bothered by it. Maybe hedidjust imagine it.
“No way.”
“Oh, nothing. Sorry. Yeah, you were right. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” Shit, he didn’t mean to say his thoughts out loud. So, maybe since she wasn’t making a big deal about it, he shouldn’t either. Yeah, right. But it was a big deal, at least to him. She actually kissed him. The angry girl from her apartment in the thong with a birthmark on her ass. She’d probably had a few too many to drink. They’d been sliding down pretty easy for him as well. Maybe they could just talk about it the next day, calmly, man to woman. No problem.
Only it was a problem. He really liked kissing her but what if she didn’t remember any of it? That would be an awkward conversation. Without another choice, he’d just have to keep it to himself and if—or when—he saw her again, he’d deal with it then.Just turn off your damn brain so you don’t over think all of it.
So, for the rest of the night, Jordon and Lacey partied at the Watering Hole like they were teenagers out on the town without their parents knowing.
Chapter Eight
Lacey pinched her eyes closed as the light from the morning sun tried to punch its rays through. Her head hurt so bad. She remembered exactly why she never went out to the Watering Hole with her roommates. She never let herself get out of control like they did. But, she did have fun and Jordon was so much different than she’d ever expected. He actually let himself enjoy the line dances. He might have even gotten better than her.
“Oh, my god. I have to pee so bad. Is it possible to keep my eyes closed and walk to the bathroom?” She slid one leg then the other off the side of her bed and raised her body, careful not to jar her head, and felt her way down the hall to the—thankfully—dark bathroom.
“Lord, my mouth feels like a cotton field. I think I need to brush and eat.” Just then, her stomach churned. “Okay, maybe not the food part.” Lacey washed her hands and went in search of some clothes. It was Saturday but she still had horses to work with and her dad was counting on her to be there.
Just as she walked across the threshold to her bedroom, a moan rose from the direction of her bed. “Oh my god. No, I didn’t…” But when she looked, sure enough, there was a naked man face down on the other side of her bed.
“Oh, shit,” she whispered so as to not wake the man. “Please do not tell me I had drunken sex. I seriously don’t remember that. I really can’t be one of those girls.” She covered her eyes with her fingers, wracking her brain for any memory of leaving the bar and with who.