Page 3 of Bred for the West
“Hey, I’m sorry I woke you.”
Wren smiled warmly.
“It’s okay, I’m sorry I fell asleep so quickly in your truck.”
“I kind of expected you would. You really looked exhausted.”
All the while they conversed, her hand rubbed around his chest through what little hair he had there, but the other hand came from nowhere and started to explore other parts of his body. He could only bite his lip so hard and hard is what he was worried about.
“I was. It’s nice to meet you Hudson.”
At that very moment she wrapped right around the hard object she’d run across under the covers and he not so subtly sucked in another breath.
His hand moved go grip her hip.
“I’m not sure you know what you’re doing Wren.”
“Oh, I think I do.”
Her fingers were really doing a number and he could barely keep his head from dropping back. Then suddenly she let go and when he opened his eyes, she’d moved her hand to the back of his neck and her luscious lips connected with his.
He couldn’t help but kiss her back, his tongue pressed into her mouth and wrestled with her own tongue. They briefly pulled away for a breath and he moved a few strands of hair away from her face with his fingers then placed his hand along the side of her neck.
“Are you sure about this?”
“I am, besides it’s what I’m here for right?”
“Well yes I guess, but that doesn’t mean we have to rush it. We can wait as long as you need.” Hudson was feeling like he’d pressured her so much to be here that she needed to perform or something. It wasn’t like that at all.
“We don’t needto wait. It might sound silly, but I feel at home here. Seeing you when I got off the bus was easy, it felt like I already knew you. I know we didn’t talk that much in the last couple weeks, but it was enough. We both agreed to this, and I feel like I made the right decision.”
“Me too Wren.”
Apparently, she didn’t have to say it twice. His legs intertwined with hers as his arms wrapped around her middle, pulling her below him. His lips assaulted hers as she moved her fingers underneath the waistband of his boxers, sliding them off his hips as best she could.
He kissed her quick three more times in succession and moved off the end of the bed. While he slid his boxers the rest of the way off, Wren made quick work of taking her shirt and thong off. When she looked up again, he stood at the end of the bed gloriously naked.
Hudson Rivers was a sexy man, and he was going to marry her. She felt very inadequate in that moment. He came back on the bed and moved above her, so he was looking into her eyes.
“What’s wrong. I saw a shift in your features. Do I disgust you that much?”
“Are you kidding me? You are gorgeous, hot,andsexy in all the right places and I’m feeling like I don’t stack up at all.”
Hudson sat back and spread his arms, his eyes moving up and down, taking her all in.
“Trust me when I say this, you have no reason at all to feel any other way than proud of your body but, I understand that might be how you see yourself. What can I do to help make you feel more at ease?”
Do guys really say that stuff? That was sweet.
“Thank you for saying that. I guess I’ve always thought that about myself. It isn’t like I’ve ever had any lasting relationships. Part of the reason I accepted your offer.”
“I’m sure glad you did.”
Hudson bent forward and placed his lips on her bare stomach and slowly kissed his way upward, stopping to thoroughly manipulate each nipple, making her crazy. She couldn’t keep her body from squirming, and she twisted her fingers into his hair, urging him to continue. When his lips moved to hover over the sensitive spots on her neck, she could feel his skin sliding against hers, his fine hairs chaffing the now sensitive parts he’d so thoroughly attended to.
His throbbing erection pushed at her warm opening as she spread her legs to wrap around him, urging him to enter.
“Still sure?”