Page 8 of Bred for the West
He grabbed the tray and disappeared, when he came back he opened the window to let the cool morning air in and turned the fan to face her better.
“Thank you, that air feels so good.”
He sat down on the bed beside her and touched her forehead.
“Babe you are really clammy.”
“I’m sure I just got a touch of the flu. I’ll sleep it off for a few hours and I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
She turned herself into the pillow and her eyes drifted shut. He pulled the covers up over her shoulder and kissed her cheek. Even in the wake of throwing up, his heart was hers. He was worried though. She was fine last night when they went to bed and still the same when they went to sleep hours after that. He smirked at the memory.
He walked by the window and did a double take. There was a black pickup sitting in his driveway with really dark windows. He’d never seen it before. Wonder what they wanted.
He shut the bedroom door as carefully as he could and went downstairs. Thought better of it and grabbed his bat from the closet before he went out the front door to stand on the porch. He could here the truck still running but no one was getting out. He went down the front steps and started walking toward the truck when it revved it’s engine and backed up a little but stopped when he stopped walking. He hollered, asking what they wanted but no response. When he started walking again the truck went in reverse again and continued backing down the driveway to the road and took off.
“That was weird.”
He pulled out his cell and dialed Tucker.
“Hey buddy, do you know anyone that has a black truck with really dark tinted windows? It was a Ford, newer.”
“No, I didn’t get a license plate, it never turned around but it was acting really weird like it was egging me on. Reminded me of that scary movie about that black car that no one was driving.”
“No, I’m not imagining things smart ass. Yeah I’ll be here, you coming out? Can you do me a favor?”
Hudson explained to his buddy what favor he needed then hung up the phone and headed to the barn to start chores.
Wren woketo the sun shining on her face. Took a minute or two for her eyes to adjust and open all the way but what she could see, it looked like a beautiful day. Too bad she felt so crummy. Just moving turned her stomach every which way. She’d already thrown up more than what she should have had in her stomach. She couldn’t lay in bed all day; there was plenty to do around the house. Speaking of house, it was quiet. Hudson must be outside doing chores.
She slowly moved her legs over the edge of the bed and after a few seconds she sat up even slower. Dizziness crept in but she took shallow steadying breaths before she tried to stand up. Maybe she should go find something to eat, something bland because food just sounded awful.
Wren brushed her teeth and freshened up a little then went downstairs for a fresh glass of cold water and some crackers
“Hey babe, you’re up.”
“Yeah I think the sun woke me. I don’t want to lay in bed anymore. It was quiet down here, I thought maybe you were outside.”
“I was til Tucker got here. He just left and I was coming in to check on you.”
Wren sat down at the table with her glass of water.
“So, I was thinking…”
“I thought I smelled something burning.”
She laughed at his expense.
“Very funny. Anyway, you’ve been here a couple months right? Maybe two and a half, anyway, your sickness came on pretty quick so I was wondering if maybe you could be pregnant?”
Her eyes got bit and her mouth dropped open, a lightbulb blinked on in her head.
“Oh gosh, I wonder? Even since the first time we haven’t used any protection so I suppose it’s possible. I don’t’ have a test here but I could run to the store.”
“I’m a little ahead of you actually. Tucker called and was headed out this way so I asked him to stop and pick up a test at the pharmacy.”
“You told Tucker?”
“I did but I promise Wren, he won’t say anything to anyone. I just didn’t want to leave you hear alone.”