Page 103 of My Sweet Vampire
The male nurse hurries over and tries to coax him back down onto the mattress.
“Get your hands off me!” Dad bellows. “You can’t keep me here against my will. I want to go home.”
“What is going on?” Annie turns to me. “Carly, can you explain?”
“I-I don’t know. He just woke up and started talking, and then he tried to climb out of bed.”
“But his face …” Annie breaks off, her eyes wide and incredulous. “Something’s happened to his face. He doesn’t look the way he did earlier. His skin is so … young. How can this be?”
I chew my thumbnail. “I can’t answer that. All I know is, you said he was paralysed; you said he’d never walk again, but see … he’s moving his arms and I think he can walk. I’m sure of it.”
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” the male nurse murmurs. “It’s a miracle.”
“Miracle? We’ll see about that.” There’s a touch of bitterness in Annie’s voice. Then she clears her throat and addresses my father: “Listen Steve, I understand why you’re perplexed, and believe me, we’re just as mystified, but causing a scene isn’t going to help the situation. I simply cannot allow you to leave this hospital until Dr Noble has had a chance to examine you. At the very least, you’ll need to stay here overnight for observation.”
My dad nods and reluctantly allows the nurse to tuck him back in. “I don’t understand any of this,” he grumbles. “I don’t understand why you would want to keep me here against my will. I’m telling you, I’m fit as a fiddle.”
“Dad,” I say gently. “Please do as Annie says. I know it’s hard, but to be honest, I agree with her. I think you should stay here tonight and if everything’s okay, I’ll pick you up tomorrow and take you home. Deal?”
“But I’m absolutely fine, Carly!”
“I know, but just to be on the safe side. Please do it for me. I mean, what if you leave here and something happens? What then? Please just let them run their tests.”
“This is crazy. I absolutely detest hospitals.”
We argue some more, but eventually, he gives in and agrees to stay the night. And it’s not just his safety I’m thinking about; I’ll also need time to get my own head together. I’m still reeling from the shock of seeing Nick again and the miraculous effect he’s had on my father. I don’t fully understand what I just witnessed, but I intend to get answers—tonight.
As soon as I leave the hospital, I call a cab and head straight for Pimlico. I can’t remember the name of Nick’s street or the precise location but figure I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. Besides, Pimlico covers a relatively small area of London so I’m sure I’ll have no trouble retracing my steps.
As we drive through the dark, wet streets, a violent storm erupts. Torrents of rain pelt the windscreen like a hail of bullets and as we stall at traffic lights, a flash of lightning illuminates the sky. I wonder if this is Nature’s way of telling me to turn back. Then there’s another flash, and another, followed by a rumble of thunder, and I lose my nerve temporarily.
Hugging my arms tightly, I ignore the voice in my head telling me to end this insanity and go home before it’s too late. My emotions are all over the place but I’m on a roll and can’t stop now. I question if I’m really ready to face Nick again so soon after what happened. What if he reallyisa vampire? What then? There are a thousand reasons to turn around and go home, but my curiosity has reached fever pitch and my need for answers outweigh any of my misgivings.
At last we reach Nick’s street, and the cabbie hits the brakes and pulls the car to the curb.
“This is great, thank you. You can just drop me here.” I fumble for my wallet and hurriedly settle the fare. Steeling myself, I step out of the car onto the pavement. Instantly, a huge gust of wind blows my umbrella inside out and I struggle to keep my balance.
As the taxi disappears, I get a rush of butterflies. This feels wrong, so dreadfully wrong, but it’s like I’m in the grip of an invisible force. I need to know the truth if it kills me. Cautiously, I cross the deserted street and head briskly toward a row of tall white houses with large columns and black entrance doors.
Just as I reach the steps to Nick’s building, another gust of wind knocks me to the ground. Staggering to my feet, I wipe down my skirt, pick up my umbrella, and soldier on determinedly. My knee is grazed from the fall, but I can’t stop now, I just have to keep going. Nothing can stop me.
On wobbly legs, I clamber to the top of the steps and ring the doorbell. A minute passes. A heavy mist of rain brushes my eyes as I peer up at the front of the house. The lights are off in every room. I glance behind me nervously. How do I even know Nick’s at home? When he left the hospital I assumed he must have gone straight back to Pimlico, but in reality, he could be anywhere.
I ring the bell again and start to get a sinking feeling.Perhaps this has all been a big waste of time.
Then, as if by magic, the door swings open. My mouth gapes. Like Aladdin, I stand on the steps to the cave of wonders, wondering whether or not to enter.Is this really such a good idea?I stand for what seems forever, staring into the dark hall, until finally, I muster enough courage to go inside.
Almost instantly, the door slams shut behind me. My fate is now sealed.
Trembling with nerves, I timidly call out Nick’s name.
No answer.
I get a bad feeling about this…