Page 120 of My Sweet Vampire
I giggle mischievously. Everything about him is so damn sexy. “Oh, I forgot to say; I spoke to my mother and it’s all sorted. You’re spending Christmas with us.”
“Wonderful. I look forward to it.”
“Great! Ooh, I’m so excited. She’s expecting us to come down tomorrow for Christmas Eve and spend the night. It’s going to be so much fun.”
The line goes quiet and for a second, I wonder if Nick’s really as happy as he’s making out. It bugs me a little but I put it down to last-minute nerves about meeting Mum.
“Darling, I’d better go. I’m almost at the train station.” Taking a final drag on my cigarette, I tell Nick I love him and hang up. Then I fumble through my pockets for my Oyster card and head into the station.
Throughout the journey to work, I keep replaying the events of the morning over and over. I wonder if Sheila’s still at the house and if she and Dad swapped numbers. I wonder how old she is and if this is definitely the last I’ll see of her. I also wonder what other mischief my father could be getting up to. I stress so much about it, I give myself a headache and spend most of the journey clutching my temples.
When I finally arrive at work, I’m still fuming about everything.
“Men are bloody impossible!” I snipe.
Mark glances up from hisMetroand grins. “Ooh, sexist! There’s some bloody impossible women out there too you know.”
I throw down my bag and stamp my foot. “Do you know what my dad did last night?”
“No, but I think you’re going to tell me.”
Through gritted teeth, I tell him about Sheila, but before I’ve even finished, he’s whooping and clapping like it’s the best news he’s ever heard. “Brilliant, brilliant! Your dad’s a total legend. I just hope I’m still able to pull twenty-year-olds when I’m his age.”
“Oh my God, Mark, not you too. Why does everyone find this funny?”
“Because it is. I think you’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. He’s single, she’s single; they’re two consenting adults, so I don’t see the problem. You need to give your dad a break, Carly. It sounds like he’s having fun and you’re spoiling the party.”
“But what if it wasyourfather, huh?”
“I’d give him a high five.”
“Oh Mark, you’re impossible.”
“Is that your new favourite saying or shall I give you a thesaurus?”
Still chuckling, he folds up his paper and throws it down on the desk. “Now, here’s the million dollar question: did you remember to buy my M&M’s?”
“Yes, but I’m loathe to give them to you now that I know you’re siding with the enemy.”
“I’m not siding with anyone. I just tell it like it is.”
Reluctantly, I rummage through my bag and hand over the shiny, yellow packet.
“Merci beaucoup.”
After I’ve hung up my coat, we swap positions and I take my place behind reception. Almost immediately, the phone starts ringing. “Hello, reception desk, Carly speaking. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yes, he’s here.” I stop the phone against my chest. “Mark, it’s Tim. He says—”
“The women’s toilet is broken again, and he wants me to reset the password?”
“Um, yes. Sorry.”
Mark shakes his head. “Off we go to the third floor again. This is getting tedious, but on the plus side, my legs are getting plenty of exercise.”
Placing the receiver back in the cradle, I press the release button and watch him disappear into the elevator.
“Thanks for covering me,” I shout. “I really appreciate it.”
“Pas de problème.”