Page 140 of My Sweet Vampire
“Don’t ever think of trying to leave me. You had your chance, but now it’s too late. You made me love you, sent me half crazy with desire, and now this is how it’s going to be forever. Just you and me. No one else. Understand?”
Moving his hips in slow, steady thrusts, Nick groans softly as each delicious nudge of his cock buries him deeper inside, stretching me out with his hugeness. “Look at me, Carly,” he growls.
I open my eyes. His face is consumed by lust, his lips gleaming and shimmering with my juices. I glance down and see my breasts bouncing up and down in time his savage thrusts. The sight of it makes me even wetter. I’ve never felt so good in my life. Right now, in my head, there are no vampires, no dark clouds on the horizon; there is only Nick and me and the merging of two souls as one.
“Open up for me,” he breathes. “Let me fuck you properly.” Tilting my head back, I allow him to lift my legs higher for better penetration. “That’s good. I can feel every part of you now. Do you want to come again?”
“How much?”
I whimper softly. “So goddamn much.”
“I love you.”
“I-I love you too.”
Nick grips my waist and pounds into me as hard as he can, till he too is crying out with pleasure. We yell in unison, and he explodes inside me as I climax for the fourth time.
It’s over.
It’s all…over.
Flushed and pouring with sweat, Nick slides off me and rolls onto his back. I’m shaking all over; right now I’m incapable of speaking. For a while, we just lie on the living room floor, staring up at the ceiling, recovering. Eventually, Nick gets up and sweeps me into a fireman’s lift. “Let’s go and rest.”
I nod mutely.
Effortlessly, he carries me through the hall to the staircase and begins to ascend, two steps at a time. I shriek with delight; it’s wonderful having his big strong arms around me. Within seconds, we’re on the first floor landing, surrounded by doors on either side. Kicking open the nearest one, Nick takes me into his lavish bedroom. Throwing back the duvet covers, he gently lays me down on the mattress. Then he climbs in beside me, takes me in his arms and runs his fingers through my hair, over and over again to soothe me.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” he whispers. “You’re not still thinking of leaving?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! I love you. This is where I belong.”
Pleased, he nuzzles my face into his chest. I shut my eyes and focus on my breathing.In and out, in and out.Every part of my body is sore but I love it. I try to focus on good things, happy things, like sex and getting married. I don’t want to think about the horrors Nick endured in his past. I don’t want to think about Veda or Count Karlock or vampires taking over London. I just want to be in the ever present now. For a what seems forever, we lie wrapped in each other’s arms, soaking up the serenity of the moment. Harsh winds rattle the window, creating a rhythmic soundtrack to our breathing.
“I want you to move in with me.”
I open one eye. “What?”
“I want you to come and live with me,” Nick repeats. “I can’t bear to be away from you any longer. I need you to move in with me today.”
I raise my head from the pillow. Now I’m fully awake. “But I can’t.”
“Why not? We’re getting married, I love you, it makes perfect sense. Why delay the inevitable?”
A thrill courses through me as I briefly imagine a life of domestic bliss with him. Then I come crashing back to Earth. “But what about my dad?”
“What about him? Carly, you’re thirty-six years old. Surely you don’t want to live at home forever?”
“Of course not, but…” I hesitate. “I have commitments.”