Page 160 of My Sweet Vampire
He smiles weakly. “You can’t imagine how much that means to me, Carly. I’ve wanted to tell you the truth for ages, but I was so scared of how you would react. I thought if I told you the truth about how dangerous Veda is, you wouldn’t want to be with me. I thought you would leave, and to be without you was unthinkable.” He pauses, momentarily overcome with emotion. “That’s why I’ve told so many lies… just to keep you close to me. I am so sorry, my darling. Can you ever forgive me? I acted selfishly and should have been honest with you from the start so that you knew exactly what you were letting yourself in for. But I promise I’ll make things right. Tomorrow I’ll talk to the police and find a way to get Jessica’s boyfriend off the hook. I won’t let an innocent man go to prison for what Veda did. If only I could—”
Nick’s sentence dies. His mouth drops open as his gaze rests on the large sash window beyond me. Eyes bulging with terror, he shouts: “Carly, look out!”
In a panic, I turn around to see what he is looking at and gasp. Veda’s wasted face is pressed against the window, her foul breath steaming up the glass, her lips pulled back in a horrendous leer. Screeching like a banshee, she smashes open the window and lunges for me. Within seconds, she’s got me in a stranglehold, her cold, sharp fingers pressing into my throat, tighter and tighter, squeezing the life out of me.
“Get off her!” Nick roars, but it’s like Veda cannot hear him. In one swift movement, he grabs her around the waist and rips her off of me, throwing her to the ground like a rag doll. Veda flails and rolls around like a demented beetle that has been turned on its back.
There’s no time to lose.
Racing over to the dressing table, Nick picks up a chair and breaks one of the legs off. Then, with a loud cry of anguish, he storms across to Veda’s prone body, raises the chair leg high above his head, and plunges it straight through her heart, impaling her to the floor.
Blood spurts everywhere and Veda lets out a loud shriek of pain that reverberates throughout the entire house. And then something miraculous happens. Veda’s cruel, twisted face begins to fade and is replaced by the stunningly beautiful countenance she once had. She twitches a couple more times, and then her body goes completely still. Her eyes close like she’s in a deep dreamless sleep. And then… silence.
Total silence.
The vampire curse has been lifted and Veda is finally at peace.
“Oh my God, Nick!” I gasp, falling into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably.
He wraps his warm, strong arms around me and pulls me into an embrace I never want to end.
“It’s over, baby,” he soothes, stroking me gently. “The nightmare is over. Veda will never darken our lives again and I promise to keep you safe forever. I won’t ever let anyone or anything harm you again.”
I breathe a huge sigh of relief. Veda is gone and I know finally that I am safe to be with my sweet vampire forever.
Bonus Novel From Nick's Point Of View
A note to the reader
I want to take this moment to thank all the wonderful fans who have been so supportive of me over the past few months. I cannot begin to tell you how much each of you means to me. After an incredibly busy couple of weeks, I have finally completed the book you hold in your hands: Nick’s Story. Before you begin reading, I want to quickly explain what this book is about.
Due to popular demand, I have written this novella as a companion piece to My Sweet Vampire. It is not a direct continuation of the events that take place in the book – rather, Nick’s Story is a stand-alone piece written entirely from Nick’s perspective and covers several key events that happened in My Sweet Vampire. It also provides fresh information regarding Jessica’s murder that will leave you in no doubt of who the killer is. Hopefully this fragment will give my readers further insight into Nick's head and add a new dimension to Carly’s story. That's what inspired me to write it in the first place.
I hope you enjoy reading Nick’s Story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Love Arabella
First Meeting
Hard, wet rain drums against my office windows, transforming the London skyline into a mosaic of water colours. I glance at my watch:six twenty-five. Thank God the day’s almost over. My session with Jessica today was exhausting and I’m seriously beginning to question her sanity. The things she said to me today are unrepeatable, and if she continues behaving this way, I will have no choice but to sever all contact, which would be a shame, as I hate giving up on people.
When I first met the vivacious red-head a few weeks ago, I was convinced I could help her beat her demons, but now it seems my presence is doing more harm than good. The truth is, hypnosis doesn’t work for everyone; some patients just can’t be cured, no matter what you do, and they are destined to self-destruct. I fear that Jessica is one such case.
Stifling a yawn, I push my chair forward and open myOutlookcalendar to see my final appointment is with someone called Carly Singleton. My eyes narrow.Hmm. Tara hasn’t said much about this one; usually Tara’s notes are long enough to give Tolstoy a run for his money, but this time she’s pretty brief—allCarly wants to do is quit smoking.
Thank goodness for that.
After Jessica’s crazy outbursts and the complexities ofBody dysmorphic disorder, I anticipate this should be a relatively painless affair.
Suddenly, I hear the sound of footsteps in the corridor. Getting up, I step away from my desk, sink back into the shadows and make myself invisible. I always do this with new patients to catch them off guard. It’s a way for me to read them to help me decide whether or not I want to treat them. When presented with my seemingly empty office, most people can’t resist poking around, and the shock on their faces when I finally reveal myself is priceless.
With baited breath, I wait in the shadows for this Carly Singleton to appear. There’s a strange electricity in the air and time seems to stand still.
Slowly, the door opens and a young woman enters the room. She looks about twenty-five, with white-blonde hair, lightly tanned skin and the most gorgeous brown eyes I have ever seen. She’s wearing a bright purple jacket with a long tasseled skirt and green ankle boots. My gaze runs admiringly over her body and my cock begins to stir like an out-of-control stallion.Dear God.She’s a complete and utter goddess: sturdy and full-bodied with curves in all the right places, just the way I like it.