Page 164 of My Sweet Vampire
“Phew!” She wipes her brow and appears genuinely pleased. “Thank God for that.”
We both laugh, and for a second, I’m transfixed by her lips.She’s so fucking sexy.Lord, I can just imagine that mouth around my cock, licking, sucking, making me moan, sending me out of my mind. I imagine how soft she must feel and start to fall apart inside.
Fucking hell, pull it together fool!
With great difficulty, I manage to compose myself. “Before we begin, do you have any other questions?”
“Yes. I won’t do anything stupid, will I?”
Oh dear lady, if only you knew what I am capable of...
“Of course not,” I smile. “Another popular myth is surrendering of your will. A lot of people think that when you go into trance, you lose your sense of self. This is completely untrue. When you undergo hypnosis with me, at all times, you will be in complete control of your behaviour, meaning you will not embarrass yourself, reveal secrets or do anything you wouldn’t normally do in a waking state. Hypnosis is not about surrendering your free will.It is similar to a daydream and merely facilitates helping you learn to control unwanted behavioral patterns.” I smile magnanimously. “Does that put your mind at rest?”
“Yes,” Carly replies. “Thanks for explaining it so thoroughly.”
My heart turns somersaults.I can sense that I’ve gained her trust.
“Good,” I say. “Okay, let’s get comfortable. Loosen up and relax. Take off your shoes.”
“Take off your shoes.”
Embarrassed, she bends down and unlaces her boots. I can tell I’m affecting her again. Her fingers are trembling like a leaf.
“Do you need any help?” I ask, trying not to smile.
“No, no, I’m fine.”
“Wiggle your toes.”
“Are you serious?” she laughs.Oh, how I adore that laugh!
“Try it,” I say. “I think you’ll find it relaxing.”
She follows my orders and her obedience makes my legs weak with excitement. My hold over her is growing stronger by the second, and soon she will be in the palm of my hand.
My joy doesn’t last for long, however. Her eyes fix on my scar and she looks a little uncomfortable. All at once, my confidence evaporates and I’m riddled with insecurities about my appearance.Damn it, I had forgotten how ugly I am.
Fighting to keep my emotions in check, I force a playful smile. “That’s right, Carly. Shake those toes. Doesn’t that feel better?”
She nods happily. “Yes, but I do feel a bit silly.”
“That’s good. Feeling silly is good.” Chewing my bottom lip, I fold my arms and sit up straight. I pray that she can’t see my erection. “All right. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.”
She follows my instructions and I get aroused as her body becomes a toy for me to play with. Her limbs go floppy; her head tilts to one side like a benign rag doll. Within seconds, I’m deep inside her head, two minds merging as one.
“That’s right, Carly,” I whisper. “Empty your head completely. Relax every part of your body, don’t think about anything, just focus on my voice. Let all of your worries fade away to nothing, and just breathe.Breathe. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly through your mouth. That’s right; you’re falling deeper and deeper into trance. Deeper and deeper…”
For ten minutes, I stare at her silently, watching her eyelids flicker like she’s in the grip of some terrible nightmare. I worry where her thoughts have taken her.
“Help me,” she moans. “For God’s sake, someone help me.”
Fuck, what I would give to be the one making her whimper like that. Her mouth looks so inviting it makes me want to do things…
I glance at my watch and decide to give it another fifteen minutes or so. The times passes quickly.Too quickly.
At last, lowering my voice, I whisper, “When I will you to do a thing, it shall be done. From this moment on, my will is your will, and you shall cross land and sea to do my bidding. Do you understand?”