Page 168 of My Sweet Vampire
I shake my head. “Sorry, I just can’t picture him. Perhaps I’ll look him up on Wikipedia.”
Strickland chuckles. “Well, it’s not majorly important. As far as I know, he’s not in contact with her anymore, but I just thought it was a nice piece of trivia for you.”
“I like how thorough you are.”
Silently, I reach in my coat and pull out a manila envelope stuffed with bank notes. “Here,” I say, handing it to him. “You’ve done a great job, as always.”
“That’s why they call me Mr Impossible,” Strickland grins. “Because I make the impossible possible.”
We shake hands and I get out of the car, clutching Steve’s book like my life depends on it. Thoughtfully, I make my way back to my house.
Blood Lust
On Monday afternoon, I’m just about to go to lunch when there’s a quiet knock at my office door.
“Come in!” I shout.
The door opens and Tara enters. “Hi Nick, I hope I’m not disturbing you?”
“Of course not,” I smile. “What’s up?”
“I just got a call from Carly Singleton.”
My back stiffens. “Oh?”
“She says she’s terminating her treatment as of today.”
My throat tightens. I can’t believe what I’m hearing.
How can this be? No, no, no! My angel is slipping away from me.
“Did she say why?” I ask in a weak voice.
“No,” Tara replies, “but I got the feeling it may have been something to do with money. Oh well, I guess that’s the last we’ll see of her. Shame. She seemed liked such a nice girl.”
“That she did,” I agree. Then, forcing a smile, I add, “Thanks for letting me know, Tara.”
“No worries.”
“Oh, by the way, I was just about to run over to Tesco’s. Do you want anything?”
“A packet of crisps would be nice. Cheese and onion flavour.”
“One packet of crisps coming up.”
Turning on her heel, Tara sweeps out the room, leaving me in a state of utter confusion.Carly’s cancelled on me? What the fuck?
The thought of never seeing her again sends me half crazy. Why the hell is this happening? Is it some kind of judgment from God? A warning for me to stay away from her?
Numbly, I study my reflection in the glass paneled bookcase. The eyes that stare back are red and watery with tears.
Perhaps it’s just as well. I mean, what good would have come of it anyway? What sort of life would we have had together? I’m a vampire for fuck’s sake. In the long run, it would have only ended in heartbreak.
Miserably, I pick up a glass tumbler from my desk and crush it to pieces. Shards of glass cascade to the floor, tearing my hand to ribbons. Blood is everywhere but I don’t care. Right now, I can’t even feel pain.All I can think about is her.
Life has played a very nasty trick on me. It presented me with my soul mate, but just as soon as she was offered up, she was taken away from me. Something out there must really hate me, I am sure of it.