Page 171 of My Sweet Vampire
I wonder what this could be?
Giddy with anticipation, I tear off the paper to reveal a grey-and-black scarf made from the softest wool I’ve ever felt. I study it a moment, caressing the material with his fingers. I feel so emotional, I want to cry. I’m deeply touched that Carly would take the time to make something so lovely for me.
Raising my head, I look at her with a placid expression, fighting hard to keep my feelings in check.
“Thank you,” I whisper. “It’s been so long since anyone bought me a present.”
The most gorgeous smile spreads across her face. “I made it myself,” she says shyly.
“Wow, then that makes it even more special. I promise to cherish it always.” And I mean it. This scarf will be my most treasured possession. “Who taught you to crochet?” I ask.
“My mother.”
“How quaint. It’s nice to know that the younger generation is still keeping the old pastimes alive.” I pause. “So, I take it you like creating things.”
“Oh, yes,” Carly enthuses. “Ever since I was little, I’ve loved making presents for people.”
I laugh. “What did you study at university?”
“Textile Design.”
“So, you’re a qualified designer?”
Carly shuffles her feet and looks at the floor like a lost child. Suddenly, I remember the conversation I had with Strickland, about her dropping out in the first year of university. Something about this bothers me, something that I can’t quite put my finger on. I decide to probe further in the hope of getting more information.
“Then shouldn’t you be doing something that exploits your creativity? Why are you working as a receptionist and not following your dreams?”
“Because I never actually finished my degree,” she blurts.
“Oh.” I hesitate, weighing up my words.Play it cool, play it cool.Of course I’m dying to know what happened but I also need to tread carefully. This matter requires the utmost sensitivity.
“Why didn’t you finish your degree?” I ask finally.
Carly blushes and turns away from me. “I-I don’t know...” There’s a short silence. “Look, Nick, I’m sorry. That came out wrong. What I really meant was, I don’t want to talk about it. It’s kind of a long story, and not one I enjoy telling, if I’m honest.”
“That’s quite all right. If you don’t feel comfortable talking about it, that’s absolutely fine.” Wrapping the scarf around my neck, I point towards the padded chairs. “Shall we?”
Smiling again, Carly takes a seat opposite me and kicks off her shoes, ready to begin the session.
“I think the treatment’s working,” she beams. “Since last week, I haven’t once craved a cigarette.”
I laugh inwardly.Like hell you didn’t.
“Really?” I grin. “Not even once?”
“Well...” She breaks off and laughs hysterically.Wow, I can really see I’m affecting her.“Okay,” she admits, “if I’m being completely honest, Idostill have cravings, but something stops me from acting on them.” She hitches up her skirt and I get a glimpse of her stocking-clad thigh. I start to get hot under the collar.Holy Mother of God, how I long to run my tongue all over that soft, creamy body and explore the sweetness below her navel.
I scratch the side of my mouth. “Tell me your thought processes. Tell me what prevents you from smoking; what goes through your mind at the point of rejection.”
Carly frowns and I’m dying to kiss the cute little spot between her brows. “It’s kind of weird,” she says. “When I crave a cigarette, it’s like I can hear your voice in my head, telling me not to. And then I can’t go through with it. It’s like you’re inside of me.”
“I think I know what you mean,” I murmur.Shit, she’s pushing me to breaking point.My God, I need to tear her clothes off, right here, right now. I need to be inside her and feel her sweet juices wrapped around my cock.
Slow down, you fool. Do you want to scare her off? All in good time, all in good time…
Leaning back, I press my fingertips together in an effort to look suave and sophisticated. “Okay, Carly, close your eyes and take a deep breath. That’s right… empty your mind completely. Relax every part of your body and just focus on my voice.”
Carly closes her eyes and swiftly drifts into unconsciousness. She looks so beautiful lying there, it takes all of my strength not to pounce on her and rip her clothes off. She’s so delectable, so ripe for the taking, it’s like torture to watch her.