Page 174 of My Sweet Vampire
Heat travels up my neck and I realise I’m blushing. I shake my head again, trying to force the images from my head.
Very soon, Carly returns with our tickets and the ushers lead us to the auditorium. As we are finding our seats, a loud voice announces that the show is about to start. Then the lights go dim and I take Carly’s hand in mine. Heat surges through me. Jesus, her skin feels so soft I can’t get enough of it. She is like a drug to me.
“Do you like being frightened?” I whisper.
She giggles and shakes her head. Fucking hell, even her laughter makes my dick throb.My God, I want her so badly it hurts.
And then the curtain rises and the show begins. Over the next two hours, the story that unfolds on stage is filled with surprises. However, I couldn’t tell you what it was about because I can’t focus on anything but Carly. All throughout the show, my eyes are focused on her neck, fighting the urge to sink my teeth in. Inside there is a violent conflict of insatiable hunger and sexual longing. It’s like I’m constantly thirsty; like I need to totally consume her before I go mad.
I look at those beautiful eyes, those full, rosebud lips, and all I can think about is having her up against a wall and fucking her hard and deep. I know it’s wrong to have such thoughts, but I can’t help it. Carly Singleton is quite simplyirresistible.
When the show’s over, the actors take their bows to rapturous applause. The play has been a huge success.
“That was fantastic,” Carly beams.
“Pure genius,” I lie.How would I know? I haven’t exactly been concentrating!
“Excuse me,” shouts a lady further down the aisle. “Could the two of you please move along? We need to get out.”
“I think that’s our cue.” I help my angel to her feet. “Do you fancy going somewhere for a bite to eat?”
“Yes, please. I’m famished.”
I take her to the Corinthia,my favourite hotel. Unbeknown to her, I’ve already booked a room—the best room in the whole place. If things go according to plan, this promises to be the best night ever.
Taking my angel’s hand, I lead her into avast lobby with high ceilings and Grey Marquino flooring. A massive Baccarat Chandelier dominates the sweeping circular staircase and off to the left, glass doors lead to a maple-lined courtyard.
Carly is awestruck. “Wow,” she gasps.
“Do you like it?”
“Like it? Iloveit!”
My mouth waters with anticipation. Just a few hours to go before…
No. You’re getting ahead of yourself again.
A concierge in a top hat takes us to the restaurant and settles us in. Then a waiter comes over and hands us two oversized menus. Carly seems a little out of her depth so I take control and order us a bottle ofChâteau Begadan Cru Artisan Médoc—the finest wine they have. Tonight no expense shall be spared.
“Have you decided what you want for a starter?” I ask. Carlytells me she wants onion soup and I sense she’s trying to be a cheap date. “Are you sure that’s definitely all you want?” I push. “I thought you said you were famished?”
“I know, but I seem to have lost my appetite.”
“Carly, humour me a little, eh? Have soup for starters, but eat something proper for your mains. I won’t have you starving yourself to save me a few pennies.”
She bites her lip and I wish to God I’d worn loose-fitting trousers. I’m so hard it’s getting painful. The way that dress clings to every curve of her delectable frame, the way it cups her breasts is just so…Fuck! I can’t take this teasing.
“How is it?” I ask, trying to keep my voice calm.
“Huh?” Carly looks confused.
“The wine. Does it taste good?”
“Oh, yes, it’s lovely. Very rich.”She laughs that sweet, sing-song laugh and I lose all feeling in my legs. Trying to keep my composure, I continue: “By the way, Carly, I haven’t told you how stunning you look tonight. That dress really compliments your figure.”
She grins and shrinks down in her seat . “Oh, this old thing? Ha! It’s just something I threw together at the last minute. But I’m glad you like it. You look really good, too. I-I love that shirt on you.”
She loves my shirt?