Page 61 of My Sweet Vampire
“Shit,” I gasp. “Too fast, too fast.”
“Okay …” he soothes. “We can take it as slow as you want.” Then he’s kissing me again, and my mind is all over the place. I’m lost in a beautiful netherworld from which there is no escape. Soon, we’re both feeling the fireworks, me for the second time today.
With a loud groan, Nick releases me and the two of us roll onto our backs, gazing up at the ceiling, drawing our breath in ragged gulps. Reaching over, he grips hold of my hand, and for a second, we are connected: two hearts beating as one.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you, too.”
“Do you promise you’re mine forever?”
“Forever and ever.”
Without looking, I can sense he’s smiling. A rush of emotions swells in my chest; I never want this day to end.
Once he’s come to his senses, Nick asks where the bathroom is so he can go clean up. Ten minutes later, he returns holding a jug of warm water and a flannel. Sitting beside me on the bed, he lovingly wipes down my body, paying special attention to the parts that are particularly sore.
“Did I please you?” he asks, dabbing the flannel between my thighs to dispel all traces of red.
“Yes,” I reply. “So much.”
Nick flashes a gentle smile.
When I’m satisfactorily clean, he helps me on with my clothes and puts back on his boxers. Then we snuggle up together under the duvet and lie peacefully in each other’s arms, listening to the sound of rain hitting the window.
“You make me so happy,” he sighs, stroking my hair. “What you said yesterday about living in darkness … that really touched me. I felt exactly the same before I met you. It’s been years since I smiled. Years since I laughed. Then I met you, and you’ve bought such joy to my life. You make me feel young again. When I’m with you, I feel I hold the whole world in my embrace. “
“Oh, Nick, what a beautiful thing to say.” I drum my fingers on his chest.
“How much do you love me?” he whispers.
“So much.”
“Really and truly?”
“You know I’d do anything for you, Nick.Anything.”
“What if I robbed a bank? Would you still love me then?”
“Of course! There’s nothing you could do to stop me from loving you.”
He hesitates, mulling this over. Then he kisses my forehead. “I’ve waited so long to find someone like you. I’m never letting you go,ever.”
Tears collect in the corners of my eyes. I can’t believe, can’t accept that he loves me as much as he says he does. Things like this just don’t happen to people like me.
“Hey, I thought we said no more crying?” he laughs.
“I know, I know.” I brush away a tear. “I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m crying because I’ve never been so happy. I never knew life could be so wonderful.”
He kisses me again and holds me tightly. For the next hour or so, we sleep soundly. Wrapped in his arms, I’m in complete Heaven, sheltered from the storm. Sometime around six, I’m woken by a harsh beeping sound. Squinting in the half-light, I tilt my head to find out where it’s coming from.
“I think the phone’s on your desk,” Nick says. “Don’t worry; I’ll get it for you.” As he hands the mobile to me, he scans the caller ID. “It’s your dad.”
Taking the phone, I sit up and do my best to sound normal. “Hey Dad, how did the meeting go?”
“Oh, it went fantastically. My publisher wants me to sign a new book deal. You know what that means?”
“More money?