Page 10 of Spicy
Josie inflates and stomps toward Tag. “No Colorado judge is going to see you fit to raise a child over Henry and Cami. I promise you that.”
The man bares his teeth and steps closer to Josie, but I intervene, blocking him from her. Though, I’m sure she’d knock right past me to lay into him if she wanted to. This man hasn’t messed around with a country girl. They’re a different breed.
“You have two choices tonight,” I say. “One, you leave this mountain willingly and never come back.” I rest my hand on my belt holster. “Two, I help you, and Iguaranteeyou never come back.”
Tag looks down at the parking lot and shakes his head, running his hand over some stubble that’s grown on his chin. “You fucking hillbillies are all the same. Violence and alcohol. It really is a lifestyle, isn’t it?”
I pull my gun from my jeans and step toward him. “I see you’ve chosen the guarantee.”
He rolls his eyes, as though now he wants to play nice. “I’m just trying to find my daughter and do the right thing.”
“It’s been thirteen years. Theright thingoption has expired,” Josie says from behind me.
Tag laughs and holds up his hands, stepping back as though he’s doing so as a favor to me before getting in his Tesla and humming away. Something tells me I’m going to see him again.
I turn back toward Josie who’s sitting on the edge of the van staring back at me with a downturned face. “We should call Cami and Henry. What if he finds them tonight?”
I pull my bottom lip in and look toward Josie. “I’ll call Henry and let him decide what he’s doing. I don’t want to worry Cami needlessly. She looked pretty torn up earlier. No need for everyone to go crazy with worry if the man is gone.”
Josie shrugs. “Yeah, maybe he’s just blowing smoke. The hearing is Monday. He’s probably scared so he’s trying some last-ditch efforts of intimidation.”
I pick up the phone and dial Henry’s number. It’s after eight o’clock, and in a quiet mountain town, after eight may as well be after midnight. No one calls unless there’s an emergency. So I know he’s going to answer in a panic, but I’m not sure this can wait until morning.
The phone rings once before he answers. “What’s wrong?” His voice is rugged and torn with concern. We’ve been buddies since school and even as a teenager I don’t think I’ve ever called him this late. We knew better.
“Nothing immediate, but I thought you should know that Tag was poking around in the parking lot at the bake shop. He’s asking questions about Raven.”
Silence ensues for a long moment before Henry speaks again. “Ah, I’d like to see him try and fuck with us. Hell, I almost wish that fucker would. Settling this out of court is the best possible solution.”
“He has no idea where you guys live, but I’m sure he could figure it out with a little time.”
Henry grunts something inaudible. “Thanks, man. I’m on watch. You take it easy. We’ll see you two up at Saddle Ridge tomorrow, right?”
I could ask him how he knows I’m with Josie tonight, but he’s on it before I get a chance.
“Cami said she saw you talking to Josie after the psychic.” He laughs. “She’s also convinced that Raven needs to avoid all love interests with tattoos from here on out. So I’m not sure what that means, but I might be visiting your grandma tomorrow after the party. I need some things cleared up. Don’t worry about this Tag stuff. If he finds the place, I’ll make sure he wishes he hadn’t. Be good, man.”
“Whatever you need, just let me know.” I end the call and look back toward Josie whose head is hung low with concern.
“What if this Tag guy waits until morning, then follows us to the party? I don’t want Raven’s whole day getting ruined by some asshole. She’s thirteen. This is a special birthday. Girls remember this kind of stuff.”
“We saw what car he was driving,” I say, wrapping my arm around her, “and we’ll take the long way to the party so we can flush him out if he tries anything. It’ll be okay.” I sit next to her on the back of the van and hold her against my chest. “I do feel a little weird leaving you here tonight, though. Don’t you ever worry about sleeping alone in this parking lot?”
She shakes her head. “Not usually. Rugged Mountain is safe. When I was traveling alone in strange places, I did worry at times, but I keep security alarms and a taser tucked into my side table if I need it.”
“I don’t think a taser would scare anyone away.”
“Do you really think Tag is coming back tonight?”
“We could go back to my place. I’d feel better if I knew you were safe inside with me.”
“But he could follow us back to your house and then he’d know where you live.”
“So then I’ll stay here,” I say, a knot in my throat as I hope and pray she says yes. I’m not sure what boundaries I’m overstepping. We’ve only just started this journey, despite how fast she says she’s comfortable moving.
She smiles and leans back, her dark red hair surrounding her sweetly. “I’d like that.”
A warmth moves into my stomach as I decide what all this means. I know tonight won’t be like crashing at Henry’s after I’ve had too many beers, and it won’t be like staying at grandma’s because she needs the company. This is different. This is my life changing for the better. This… may very well be the start of forever.