Page 6 of Ronan (Lucky Irish 6)
“That was epic, cuz,” Aiden said.
“You kept your head cool. I’m proud of you, bro.”
Ronan accepted Duncan’s hug and compliment. “Thanks, Dunc. I learned from the best.”
“Okay, let’s get you washed up,” Duncan said.
“And then the Velvet Club?” Aiden asked while he shoved a guy away who wanted to get into Ronan’s personal space. It didn’t work, though. Ronan still got bumped and slapped on his back in congratulations by spectators as they moved through the crowd.
“Yeah. I’m ready to work up a different sweat, Aide.”
Aiden laughed while Duncan rolled his eyes in irritation. Ronan was aware his brother disapproved of his lifestyle. Duncan wanted him to wise the fuck up and get back together with Fianna. But that would never happen. She wanted nothing to do with him.
“Let’s go.” Ronan said to no one in particular. He needed a drink now that thoughts of Fianna flooded his mind already.
Fianna glanced around the posh club on a rooftop near downtown Austin, overlooking the Colorado River. For the second time this evening, she wondered why she wasn’t sitting at home this Saturday night.
The Velvet Club was everything she remembered, with a bunch of single men and women sweating on the packed dance floor and flirting each other’s pants off at one of the side booths.
Mae and Emmy were rocking a classic R&B song, and Fianna knew they weren’t done shaking their booties. She leaned in to yell over the music, “I’m going to sit down for a moment.”
Emmy held Fianna’s bicep and said, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just need a sec. I’ll be right there for a moment and then I’ll join you again,” Fianna pointed at the empty booth in-between the dance floor and the nearest bar.
“Okay. We’ll stay right here so you can find us.”
Fianna smiled at her friend. “Okay.”
She plunked down at the booth and ordered a sparkling water with the waitress.
“Hi. Is it okay if I’d join you? I don’t mean to interrupt your evening, but all the other booths are taken.”
She glanced up at a handsome smile. This man seemed to be in his late thirties, around six-foot tall, had dark hair and dressed nicely in slacks and a dress shirt.
Before she could answer him, the waitress returned with her water. She asked the man what he wanted to drink, and he ordered a whiskey.
“I can take it with me,” he said apologetically to Fianna.
“No, that’s okay. You can sit here.”
He slipped into the booth across from her while his dark brown gaze held her eyes. He hadn’t checked out her cleavage for a single moment and somehow that delighted and disappointed her at the same time.
“I’m Carlos. And you are…”
She stared at his outstretched hand for a second before she placed her hand in his. “I’m Fianna.”
She arched a brow at him, and he smiled. “A gorgeous name for a gorgeous woman.”
A blush crept over her cheeks. “Thanks.”
“What do you do, Fianna?”