Page 20 of A Touch of Fire
“Well, you could’ve worn the green, but you said you’re not that into him. When are you going to wear the green dress? You’ve had it in your closet for a long time.”
The silky green dress draped over the hanger still had the tags. It had been on clearance, and Laura had insisted that she not only try it on, but also make the purchase since it was “made for her.”
“I’ll get to it eventually when I have somewhere to wear it.”
“God, you look great in it. Maybe this is good practice to get back out there. See how it feels and if you like it, then fire up the dating sites. Carter’s groomsmen were nice. A few of them have asked about you.”
Megan had let out a sigh. She had tried to get to know a few people for Laura’s wedding and had even had high hopes that one of Carter’s friends would sweep her off her feet, but it was just the usual uninspired conversations.
“I feel like I try, but nothing clicks. Everyone is too predictable. I have a feeling this will be the same way. I don’t know why I even agreed to it.”
Laura let out a sigh. “Because you’re a good person. Try to have fun. It might be nice.”
“He gotthatlook when he found out about my job.”
“Yeah, I know, but give him another chance. If nothing else, the food is great.”
Megan had thanked her friend, thrown on a peacock pin her grandma had loved, and arrived at the restaurant a few minutes early. Troy had offered to pick her up, but seeing as she didn’t know him all that well, Megan felt much more comfortable in her own car. It always felt safer that way. Like a home away from home.
She fought to keep her hands from twisting in knots in her lap. She never knew what to do in these situations. Should she wait until she saw him to get out? She knew his truck. Would it be better to wait inside? Then she would just be awkwardly standing by the hostess stand.
What if he didn’t show?
“Thanks, social anxiety,” she said alone in her car, proof she was losing it. “As if I didn’t have enough to worry about.”
As if summoned, Troy’s truck rolled into the lot and pulled into the spot next to her, and moments later he was angling his head to see if she was still sitting inside.
Megan took in a deep breath and opened the door with a friendly, but not too friendly, smile.
“Hey.” He looked great. Better than great.
Even in the dim reddish light, he looked different from before. Gone was the army T-shirt and Wranglers. Standing in front of her now was a very handsome man in a fitted suit. She couldn’t tell if it was black or dark gray, but he had on a crisp white shirt that was open at the collar. His shoes glinted in the light from Osaka’s sign, and as he walked forward, she smelled the most subtle, delicious cologne.
“Sorry, I’m late. I wanted to get here first.” He gave her a smile that dazzled, then pulled out a trio of yellow roses.“Didn’t want to show up empty-handed.”
Megan accepted the gift, trying to get her brain to rewire and work again. Words. She was supposed to be speaking words.
“Thank you. I didn’t expect this. They’re l-lovely.” Damn stutter always showed up at the worst of times. They were beautiful. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten flowers outside of a wedding party.
Now what did she do? Should she leave them in the car? Was that rude?
“You’re welcome. You look beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you,” she said with a smile. “You do too.”
“I clean up okay when I want to. I called ahead and we have a reservation. Ready to head in?”
He held out his arm, and she nodded and took it, carrying the flowers right in with her.
He reached to open the door, when one of the hosts rushed out to get it for both of them.
Tones of dark wood and deep red mixed in an artful take on a sleek styling. They followed the impeccably dressed hostess past a rough-cut stone waterfall surrounded by an array of tropical plants. The tables were spaced out around the hibachi flat top with lights placed intentionally to make diners think they were the only ones there. On the far side, there was an ornate bar, with backlit shelves to the ceiling with colorful bottles that looked like gems in the light.
They kept meandering through the restaurant to a table in the back, framed by two lush red silk drapes. Megan slid into the booth opposite Troy who sat down after her, taking care to unbutton his jacket and thank the host who delivered two menus with prices higher than Megan had seen in a while.
Troy smiled and asked as he looked at her above his menu, “What looks good tonight?”
Megan eyed the menu and decided to play it safe as usual. “Not sure yet. What are you thinking?”