Page 32 of A Touch of Fire
Megan nodded while flipping the pages. “That seems smart. You said you were expanding it.”
“Yeah, farms are in right now. Dad’s out of the ranching business, and we need to figure out what to do with the land. Besides, people like farmhouses. I don’t know what I’d do with it, but maybe it’d be cool to rent it out.”
“Like for weddings?”
“I don’t know. I guess maybe everything’s on the table. It’s a five-bedroom house if you count the office, and we’re expanding the kitchen. Adding a sunroom. It all needs to be redone anyway, so this is the time to grow.”
“That’s a really positive attitude.”
“Sometimes it’s a stretch for me,” he said with a laugh.
“I get that. This is a nice option,” she said, showing him a picture of a kitchen with cream walls and dark countertops. The cabinets were white with matching black hardware, and the whole thing was staged as a farmhouse kitchen on a bright sunny morning.
“It looks awesome. Can’t go wrong with black and white, right?”
“Nope, but they are all pretty. I’d have a hard time choosing if it was me.”
“What would you pick if it was yours?”
Megan tilted her head to one side and considered the other pages. “I don’t think I have strong feelings. I guess as long as it looks nice. My friend Ash is all into feng shui, but I like things to be kind of funky and fun. Too serious and it feels stiff, but as long as you’re happy that’s all that matters.”
“Eventually,” he said. “When I retire.”
Troy pulled a tight smile and kept flipping through bathrooms, settling on a black and white number that matched the kitchen Megan had picked. They ordered a few samples, and while they were mixed, they wandered over to the kitchen and bathroom section each taking turns trying out the models.
“You’re a great cook so you need a good oven.” Megan touched one of the red knobs.
“I’ve cooked on a lot cheaper things than this and come out fine. This is the top of the line. I’ve seen this on the network channels.”
“Oh, I thought it just looked cool—never mind. I’ve never bought appliances.”
“No, maybe you’re right. I’ll need to look at the budget and go from there, but yeah, I guess anything’s possible now.”
“Do you watch a lot of cooking shows?”
“A little. I mostly watch online these days.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, I like cooking, don’t get me wrong, but I really love to watch anything with history.”
“Really? What kind of history?”
“Military mostly. World War II but I’m interested in a lot of different types. Ancient less so, but I’ll never pass up a chance to read about Alexander the Great.”
“That’s pretty cool.”
“Do you like to read?” he asked while leaning against a pantry cabinet.
“Yeah, but mostly romance.” She shrugged. “It’s not as cerebral, but I’ve always liked them. I used to sneak them into my house past my grandma and stay up way too late to finish them. I’ve tried to read other stuff, but I always come back to romance.” She tapped her fingers in a farmhouse sink. “This is a nice piece.”
“What do you like to read in romance novels?” Troy asked, his voice closer than she expected. She felt him step closer still. He wasn’t crowding her, but having him so close felt nice. More than nice actually. There was warmth, security, and a sense of heat between them.
Megan drew in a low breath and kept tracing the grain of the granite in front of her.
“I like the happy ending. I also like when the guy rescues the girl. I know that’s corny, but I guess in my line of work I like to read something that’s always going to work out, you know?”
She turned to see him nod. “I feel that way with history. I know how it ends. I like the details but not the surprises.”