Page 35 of A Touch of Fire
He watched the slender column of her throat as she swallowed and looked up at him with those big eyes.
“If this changes things, I’m okay with just being friends.”
Troy coughed again trying to collect himself and bring back a casual air about him. He gave a slight frown and tried to process all of this. “Why would that change things?”
“A lot of guys aren’t looking to be with someone like me. They like to keep it casual and just have fun. Someone like me, who wants more and doesn’t have a lot of experience, can feel like too much pressure.”
She could be a sharpshooter with that bullseye.
“Oh really?” he asked as if he had never heard of the concept.
“Oh yeah. I’ve tried a few dating apps before.”
Oh boy…
Megan wrinkled her nose. “At first it seemed like a nice way to meet some people—no phone calls, just texting, but they were all about getting something quick and fun and weren’t really interested in texting back or meeting up for coffee.”
She let out a quick laugh, which sounded like music, and looked down to play with the edge of the paper placemat she had been folding and unfolding for most of the meal. “There was this one guy, and we were going to meet up since he had been pretty sweet, but then I’ve learned the hard way, you know, so I let him know I’m pretty new and like to get to know people before considering anything serious. Just like an FYI, you know? Let him know where I stand in case he was looking for something physical right out of the gate.”
“All of a sudden he had a test come up for this class he had never mentioned that he,”—she flashed her fingers in air quotes—“completely forgot about.” She shrugged. “Never heard from him again.”
“What a jerk.”
Even Troy wasn’tthatbad. He had been close, but now didn’t seem like a great time to bring that up.
“Yeah, my friends—we had just met at that time— they said it was a red flag and I dodged a bullet.”
“Sounds like it.”
“Yeah, but that was two years ago now.”
“Have you met anyone else since then or tried any more apps?”
Megan shrugged. “I go back and forth. There are some new ones every now and then, but it’s exhausting. I’m on a break now.”
That gave him a boost, which he wasn’t expecting. He tried not to think of his current profile status, which was very clearly still active, and smiled with interest. If anything it was fascinating to hear it from her perspective. It was clear this evening was not going to go the way he had planned until she stopped playing with the placemat and looked up at him.
“What do you think?” she asked.
“Is men are pigs the right answer?”
Megan laughed again, which was like a wind chime on a summer afternoon.
“No, I mean about the whole idea. Have you tried apps?”
Never mind a sharpshooter. Try sniper, with beginner’s luck.
“A few.” Liar.
“Are you on any now?”
“Nope. Taking a break, like you said.” Sort of a lie. He wasn’t as active as hehad been.Especially since he had met her. Funny thing was that with everything she had said, she would’ve been a total swipe left, but there was something about Megan that drew him in and made him want to show her everything she was missing. It was like she called him to be better. Be more.
She opened her mouth and closed it.
“What are you thinking?”